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The pizza arrived at the house. My mouth was watering and I was just ready to eat after weeks of only broth and bread.

“So now that we’re all healed from the ick, we need to figure out how to stop Anastasia and the Summers from spreading that illness to the others.” Ellisyn sighed. “I’ll be sending Monica to go check on the others and heal them. I’m hoping that Lauren can find something on our samples that will help decode a cure.”

“I’m hoping so too.” Lauren sighed, opening her box of pizza. “Damn, I forgot to ask for ranch.”

“We have some in the fridge, I think.” Monica went to the fridge. Terrence was already grabbing a slice of pizza.

“So the Summers are a lot smarter than we originally gave them credit for. They were also stalking us for a bit.” I grab a slice.

“A while. I found a sensor in your car we abandoned at Wawa. Better said, the mechanics did.” Ellisyn sighed, shaking her head. “I think it was a bad idea to be that close to them.”

“You think?” I lift my brow as I take a bite of my pizza.

“Yes, I do.” Ellisyn responded.

“I bet.” I responded to her but she was too busy tearing into her slice of pizza to respond. The pizza was pretty good. It had a lot of cheese, a lot of toppings, and a decent amount of tomato sauce.

“So we have apparently wiped out all but three Summers,” Emilia pulled something up on her tablet with her clean hand. The survivors are Jon, Greta, and Harwin Summers. I remember Greta and Harwin. They always looked at me in disgust, in shame.

“There’s something wrong with her.” Greta used to tell Jon. “She smells different. She’s not a good match for you.” Of course I wasn't. Her son was too little of a man for me.

“You good, Ash?” Terrence was looking at me.

“I’m fine.” I sighed. “I know how they are.” I look up at everyone.

“Greta and Harwin?” Ellisyn asked. I nod.

“They’re Jon’s parents. I wonder if they’ve been trying to add more people to their numbers.” I think. They would need more pack members if we did wipe a lot of them out.

“It’s mostly the men who are dead. There’s still women and children.” Ellisyn was looking at her laptop.

“It wouldn’t be hard for them to get more people if they wanted. The next pack are the Allisters and they don’t live too far from them. Also they have ties to them.” I spoke to them. “They used to marry each other before everyone got too inbred.”

“That’s possible. We need to figure out how to flush them out of their little mansion.” Ellisyn was looking back at us.

“And any guards that they have.” Emilia explained. “And of course, avoiding killing their kids and wives. Unless the wives try to fight us.”

“And they might.” I sighed, shaking my head. This is going to take a lot of planning.

“Let’s just enjoy our food and worry about it later.” My father says. I think that’s a great idea in all honesty.

“So what do you want to do after all of this is over?” Stefan asks me.

“Well, I don’t know. I think that I’m done being a Hunter.” I closed my eyes. I heard a small gasp then a, “Ooo..” from Lauren.

“Well, I wouldn’t blame you if you were done. We’ve been through a lot in these past years.” Ellisyn sighed. “On top of what led you to join us.”

“Almost all of those bastards are dead.” I sigh. “I want to be the one who kills Jon.”

“And you will be.” Ellisyn looks at me. Four or five years ago, I would have probably forgiven him and those other bastards and moved on. I am no longer that woman. I would kill him slowly and painfully so he’d know how I felt at his betrayal, at him letting his friends have me out of spite, and at his family never caring for me and being nothing but racist and horrible.

“Ashara?” Lauren asked. I snapped out of my little murder fantasy.

“What is it?” I ask her.

“Can you pass me the garlic butter?” She asked, motioning to it.

“Sure, sorry about that.” I pass the butter over to her.

“You’re good.” Lauren pours a bit of the container into her plate and puts the container back in front of her. “I need to do my continuing education credits before the month ends.”

“Yeah, don’t forget to do that.” Ellisyn was halfway through her second slice. “We can’t have you losing your license.”

“You know, I was thinking of just becoming a primary care provider but then I remembered I don’t like dealing with conscious patients.” Lauren sighed. “Having to deal with people was enough in clinicals.”

“Oh yeah, what was that like?” Monica was drinking sparkling water.

“Don’t squeeze the blood pressure cuff too much, it makes my arm hurt! Why can’t you call the pharmacy for me if I have three refills there? I don’t want you to touch me, you might have something.” Lauren shook her head. “How were yours?”

“Well, they weren’t bad. Most of the time I got them unconscious and returned them unconscious. Well, there was one lady who freaked out during an eye surgery but I can’t blame her, I’d go crazy if I was unconscious while they sliced my eye open.” Monica shrugged.

“That’s how they do it. I’m not getting Lasik.” Emilia looked horrified.

“Yeah, I wouldn’t recommend it.” Monica chuckled. “You have to get it again at forty just to make sure you don’t end up needing glasses or contacts again.”

“No gracias.” Emilia shook her head.

“Well, that was nice but I think I’m heading off to bed.” I spoke to everyone.

“Alright then, good night Ash.” Emilia smiled.

“Good night!” Everyone said. I smiled as I walked up to the bannister. I’m glad we’re all good.

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