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The cops looked and started to shoot. A silvery woman with long hair in what looked like regalia walked up to them. There were wolves following her and in front of her.

“Leave.” She spoke in a terrifying tone. The cops scream and get in their car, driving away as fast as they could. The woman’s voice sounds very familiar.

“No way.” Lauren says, looking a bit surprised. I recognize her.

“Monica?” I stumble, feeling like I just broke every bone in my body.

“I guess you had to find out eventually.” She sighed and turned to her usual self. “And I’m sure you have questions.”

“You’re a goddess. But of what?” I ask her, raising my brow.

“I am the moon goddess. I was hiding among humanity, trying to find out how to unseal my son.” Monica sighed. “And you guys did it.”

“Wait, so you're Stefan’s mother?” Emilia asked, looking as confused as I was.

“I am. I wanted to be with my son but I wasn’t allowed to.” Monica petted one of the wolves. “His father and his family made sure of it as did mine.”

“Wait, so you let all of this happen knowing you could stop it?” My voice goes up a few angry octaves on that one.

“I can’t stop fate. I wish that I could.” Monica was tearing up.

“Does Stefan know?” I ask her.

She takes a deep breath. “He doesn’t.”

“Well, seems like you’ll have to tell him sooner or later. Also we’re all kind of dying here so if we could wrap this up and go back to a safe house.” Emilia twiddles her thumbs.

Monica chants something and we’re gone from the forest in a minute. Then we’re transported to an old timey looking cabin with stuffed animal heads everywhere. Every vegan’s nightmare and every hunter’s dream.

I look around to see that Ellisyn is laying on the couch, her lips white and dark circles on her eyes.

“I caught the bug too.” She waves her hand. Stefan runs down the stairs.

“Ashara!” He almost falls down the stairs but he manages to catch himself. He quickly hugs me and I hug him back.

“How are you feeling?” He asked, his voice muffled by my shoulder.

“I’m okay, I guess.” I hugged him back. “Still feel like garbage.” Stefan pulls away to notice everyone is looking at him and Monica. I don’t want to see what happens.

“What’s wrong?” Stefan looked confused.

“Stefan, I…” Monica sighs. “I don’t know how to tell you this but I’m sorry.”

“What’s going on ?” Stefan walks closer to her.

“Stefan, I am your mother, the moon goddess.” Monica closes her eyes. Stefan’s face quickly goes from surprise to anger in a few seconds.

“You’ve been here all this time.” Stefan’s fists crumpled up. “All this time and you never bothered to say a word.”

“I was trying to find a way to tell you!” Monica responded. “And everything kept happening.”

“So how long were you planning on keeping that a secret?” Stefan shouted. My face twitched, feeling triggered by it. Reminds me of Jon and I’s screaming matches once upon a time.

“I wasn’t. Gods, I wanted to be in your life, Stefan. I wasn’t given that privilege.” Monica sighed. “My parents forced your father and I to be wedded. But as soon as you were born, he snatched you away to try to kill you.”

Stefan says nothing as Monica continues her story.

“I wanted to keep you safe but I couldn’t do it. He kept moving you around. Years after you were sealed, I found out what happened from your caretakers. I wanted to find you but the magic that they used was not from us.” Monica was crying at this point. “And when they brought you to me, I had to hold in my feelings.”

Stefan says nothing and he looks at all of us. “How long did all of you know?”

“We just found out a few minutes ago.” I told him.

“And you. You know what? That’s what I get for believing in you.” Stefan snapped. My heart legit started to hurt.

“What?” I feel my lip quivering. Something in me snaps at that moment.
“If you have that little faith in us, in the people who have cared for you, sheltered you and became your friends, then go.” I snap, feeling the tears running down my cheeks. I just walk off to another room. I still feel like crap and now my not boyfriend hates me.

“Honey.” It was my mom with my dad behind her. We all looked like zombies. My skin was starting to take on an ashy undertone. Great.

“I don’t know why he’s acting like this, we just found out!” I say, feeling my throat hurt.

“He’s upset, you might have to give it time for him to relax.” My mother sighs.

“I know but I don’t want to repeat the Jon thing all over again.” I grab at my head which is hurting badly.

“I know, sweetie. I know. But whatever you end up doing is up to you. Just know that we’ll always be here for you, sweetheart.” My father was smoothing my back.

I hear someone else come into the room. I half expected it to be Stefan or Emilia but it was Lauren.

“So there’s good news and bad news.” She crossed her arms.

“What’s the good news?” My father asked her.

“Well, apparently Monica can heal us. Which would have been nice to know earlier!” Lauren hollers at the hall.

“Screw you!” Monica yells back.

“We just need samples from everyone before we can do that.” She looks pale.

“What’s the bad news?” I ask Lauren. Lauren shakes her head.

“Bad idea. Bad idea. It turns out Stefan escaped.” Oh boy. That’s gonna make Ellisyn lose it.

“And Ellisyn saw him and let him.” Lauren leaned against the door frame.

“That’s even better.” My dad looked annoyed.

“Yeah, she’s sick sick.” My mom hugs me.

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