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He woke up in the cave, trying to remember how he landed himself there. Stefan remembered the woman and her friends had released him from his prison. Ashara, he thought he'd heard her name.

The burns were stinging and the frostbite wasn't helping. He could barely move, his mouth felt dry and his ribs hurt. His face was still swollen from getting whacked with the club. He didn't have the energy to transform into a human.

Stefan heard footsteps outside. He slightly lifted his head to see the wolves returning with a chunk of elk and another with a rabbit.

"Thank you." He muttered, as the wolves set the meat beside him. He was starting to gain a bit of weight but he was still extremely thin. He started to tear into the meat. Stefan was starved and needed as much food as he could get. He finished off the elk meat but was too full to bother with the rabbit.

He then managed to lift him up a bit to sit down. Stefan thought of Katalina and everyone he once loved. They were long gone by now. He didn't even know what year or time this was. The woman and her sister, he assumed, were wearing pants and short riding coats. So maybe it was in the future? He wasn't sure. He forced himself to walk to the smaller pond outside and drink more water. He hated looking at his body and his own reflection.

That woman. Ashara. She was something else. Not a human, a goddess, a vampire or a shifter. She could be a witch but he was not used to seeing humans being that strong. She was definitely a Hunter. He could still feel the club against his face and hear her screaming at him. Ugh.

I woke up at some point in the afternoon. My mom was cleaning my room for me.

"Ashara!" She gave a sigh of relief. "Oh thank God!" She hugged me.

"Hey." I hugged her back. "Sorry about that, I think I overdid it a bit."

"No shit." She pulls away, smiling. "But you're better now, I hope."

I get off of bed, feeling fine. I think the Sacred Fire did something to me, I feel fine. I walked to the kitchen where Terrance, Bethany, and Ellisyn were looking over some old books and maps.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"We're trying to find out more about that werewolf god." Ellisyn responded.

"No shit, motherfucker sent out wolves to attack us." I shake my head and stare at the maps. "Also he's still alive, I think."

"He is hiding somewhere in the damn park." Ellisyn showed me the map of Conway Park. "He's still there, he was in no condition to move when we left."

"I agree. However, we have to be careful. He's got those wolves doing whatever he wants. And he can control plant life, apparently." I stare at the map.

"So we need to hide the wolves and go somewhere he can't get plants from. That's going to be impossible, we're in the damn woods." Terrence shakes his head.

"Not too impossible. We could put down a power negating field around the park to stop him from using his powers." Emilia stated.

"But then Ashara wouldn't be able to use any of her powers either." Ellisyn pointed out.

"That's fine." I responded. "I am still a good Hunter with or without my gift."

"Are you sure?" Ellisyn put her hips on her waist. "Your healing goes too."

"I'm fine." I responded. "We need to make sure he doesn't hurt anyone else."

"Fair enough." Ellisyn sighed, shaking her head. "Tonight's a new moon so I would recommend doing it then."

"Well, does that have any effect on his powers?"

"According to the guide that the Founder wrote, the full moon is his peak power time, and he's also weakest in human form. He's also immune to the silver and wolfsbane thing. The last time he was destroyed was with iron axes and guns but he came back to life. So we need him at his weakest and as a human.

"That's awkward." I shook my head. He was strong, definitely. "But how would we force him to shift into a human?"

"Werewolves normally shift back into humans when mortally wounded or exhausted. It probably won't take much for him to get exhausted." Ellisyn sighed. "So we're going to have to exhaust or fuck him up majorly."

"I wonder what he looks like." Emilia asked. "If he looks that gross as a werewolf."

"There's no telling." I shake my head. I really don't want to do this but I have to. He's definitely gonna be mad at me for curb stomping him and beating him up. My mom walks in.

"What are you guys doing?" She asked. Oh boy.

"We're figuring out how to get that werewolf." Emilia looks back at Mom.

"Like kill him or...?" My mom puts some dishes in the sink.

"We can't kill him, fuckface is immortal." Emilia sighs.

"Are you going, Ashara?" My mom looks at me then Ellisyn.

"Yeah, I guess." I put my hands on my hips.

"Be careful, you don't want to overuse your powers again." If only she knew. She'd never let me go. Not that I don't understand.

"I know, Mom." I go to give her a hug. I don't want her to worry about me. She hugs me back.

"Your dad is coming home soon. You should let him know." My mom smooths my back. I feel like such an awful daughter sometimes.

"I will." I don't think he'll be too excited about me running around powerless and trying to capture a werewolf. Oh, well. I got myself into this mess, it's time to get myself out of it.

"I'm hoping that will stop him from trying to murder us with wolves again. I'd rather take a bullet to the head than that." Terrence sighed.

I've already had the worst happen to me. I just hope we make it out alive. 

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