A familiar voice in the common room catches my ear. "Training was... actually really good today," Ryans says.

I pause in my step.

"That's only because Beau steals all of Oliver's coaching, coach hog."

My face hardens. They think I want him over analysing everything I do? it's a pain in my arse more than anything.

There's a grunt in objection, deep and undeniably Oliver's voice. "I don't give Beau all my attention."

Tiffany scoffs. "Ah, yeah you do."

"Your just jealous he doesn't focus more on you," Sophie comments.

"I'm not jealous, Beau just obviously needs more help, needs someone to babysit him," Tiffany says smugly.

I scowl. I don't want to hear anymore.

I start to leave but the wooden floor creaks under my weight, signaling to the people in the common room of my presence.

"Damn, look who the cat brought in..."

I sigh turning to face the group, despite how bad I just want to ignore them and go to my room. It's better to not get on the bad side of the people you see all the fucking time.

There are more people than usual lounging around the room drinking. Seems like people are in the mood for partying tonight. I internally groan, knowing I'm going to get little sleep tonight.

My eyes scan the crowd, falling on half the swim team. Sophie, Ryan, Tiffany, and Oliver amongst them. There's some people in our dorms that I've seen around but I don't know. I don't really make an effort to know anyone I don't have to. Hell, I think Oliver is friends with more people here then me,

The lighting is dull light and the furniture splashes of bright colours and modern shapes, it does little to hide the boxes of alcohol around the side of it though.

My eyes automatically and involuntary fall to Oliver. But only because he naturally draws attention with his large form splayed across the couch. He's wearing a button-up shirt that hugs his chest snugly, a few buttons undone at his collar revealing his smooth skin. His hair is ruffled slightly and expression bored.

There's a girl next to him, sitting too close for comfort. She is talking to him, her hand sliding up his arm. She's pretty.

Really pretty.

Ryan whistles when I step into the large doorway of the room. He eyes my clothing with a surprised look. Tiffany and Sophie look surprised too, their eyes widened.

Oliver turns his head and eyes me lazily, he instantly straightens, sitting up as his eyes run over me hotly. He shakes the pretty girl's hand off of his arm.

It must be because I'm not wearing my usual attire...

Instead of my usual sweatpants and shorts and my faded old t-shirts, I'm dressed in nice black pants and a grey buttoned-up shirt. My hair is done tidy instead of the mess it usually is and I know I look nothing like I usually do.

I'm glad the lighting in here is shit, hopefully, then they can't see the bags under my eyes.

"Wow, if it ain't Beau all dressed up looking sharp." Tiffany comments, eyes running over me.

Oliver's eyes narrow and lips press together as his eyes take me in.

"What's the occasion heart breaker? Someone brave enough to go on a date with you?" Ryan snorts.

Maybe that would piss me off... if, I didn't have the day I've had today.

"Nope. No date." I shove my hands in my pockets taking a step in the direction of the dorms, making it real obvious I don't want to talk. I really don't want to talk. My throat is raw and energy non-existent. I need this day to be over.

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