Crime and Punishment

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"Sebastian...we are not going to let you out of our sight, all day?" Olivia promised as the bus approached their stop for Meadvale. She had taken point on reassuring Sebastian, rather than Amelia, because Amelia was stuck with Phoebe. Not that anyone else thought of it like that, but Amelia did, and she resented having to take care of her new sister almost as much as Phoebe resented being taken care of, if that was even possible. Olivia was more than happy to look after Sebastian because she loved him almost as much as Amelia, and she was doing a great job of it. "And Mrs Blackstone said that Deacon will be closely watched all the time and we will stick to you like glue anyway?"

"I know...I'm just scared?" Sebastian moaned as he stared out of the dirty windows, trying to be brave. "You really don't know what he is capable of?"

"No...I don't...but I do trust Mrs Blackstone?" Olivia suggested, slipping her arm around Sebastian's shoulders. Everyone was back in full uniform, obviously, with their new felt hats replacing the straw boaters, marking the start of winter proper.

"You are such a baby, Sebastian? I can't believe that you more or less asked to be diapered for school?" Phoebe grumbled from the seat behind Olivia and her new brother.

"Phoebe...don't be so mean? Sebastian is a bag of nerves...the last thing he needs is to be worrying about having an accident all day?" Amelia said from beside her. "Auntie Caroline asked him if he would feel happier in a diaper and he just said he would...partly because he did not want you and Crispin to feel bad because you are diapered and he wouldn't be?"

"I don't care...I'd rather wear a nappy than have any of you lot wiping my bum?" Phoebe insisted, glaring at Amelia, and Danielle, who was sitting across the aisle from them, with Callum by her side. "It's bad enough being wiped by an adult..."

Danielle ignored Phoebe. She knew that the pretty little girl was just lashing out at everyone because she was unhappy, and she had other things to think about. Firstly, much to her relief and delight, she was not wearing her punishment pants. But she was diapered and her mother had made it clear that she expected her darling daughter to behave perfectly, otherwise she might change her mind. And that was so unfair, because she had not been naughty in the first place. Her only crime was getting upset when she was changed a couple of times. As they all trooped off the bus, surrounding Sebastian like a human shield and trying to stop Phoebe going off on her own, she wondered what she could possibly do to make her mother see that she was being as good a girl as she could be.

"Callum and I are the only ones who won't be queuing for the nurse." Olivia said, taking her arm as they approached the school gates. It was quite busy, because there were apparently some two hundred new pupils starting that morning. "But we'll come down with all of you for moral support?"

"Thanks...and we have Daniel Morris joining our little gang today...I never thought that we would see that!" Danielle grinned, shaking her own problems out of her head, because she really did want to look after her younger friends. She was aware that Olivia and Amelia in particular looked up to her and she did not want to let them down. Her mother might think that it was a bit arrogant to consider herself mature enough to look after anyone, but the girls were relying on her, and like them, she wanted to keep the boys safe.

"Mummy says that it shows how well petticoating works?" Olivia commented as they went into the cloakrooms. She supposed that they were a gang of sorts. It was a word with some unfortunate connotations, but that was what they were. "Callum really likes him now...he is pestering Mummy to invite him over?"

"It does work...we're living proof?"

Barbara Carter was thinking about their gang as she pushed Crispin towards his school in Sebastian's single stroller. They had a double for their extended family, but Caroline had lent her the smaller pushchair for convenience. She was worried about Amelia and Phoebe, for entirely different reasons, and hoping that the others would keep an eye on them as well as Sebastian. She had never thought for one moment that adopting Phoebe and Crispin would be easy, and it was obviously early days, but the girls were concerning her. Crispin was very young and very timid, so he was fairly easy to handle. He was not exactly jumping for joy about his new life, but he seemed to be responding to lots of tender loving care. Barbara had got a few tears as she dressed him in his skirt and white knee socks, but he was quiet and calm in the pushchair, sucking hard on his pacifier. But Phoebe was different. She was not exactly resisting her transformation, but she was moaning about it, and no matter how hard poor Amelia tried to connect with her, Phoebe kept pushing her away. Barbara could see that Amelia was getting upset about it, and she had scolded Phoebe, but she really did not want to spank her. She would if she had to, and she had made her red lines crystal clear, but her gut instinct was that it would be counterproductive if it was not really deserved.

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