Party Time

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"Purse your lips, this?" Penny Baxter said as she applied his lipstick, a little more matching red to go with his velvet dress. He copied her, and she smiled, enjoying herself as she got him ready for the big party. He had spent his first night in a nappy and a nightie, and then the whole morning in his school uniform finishing his prep. After a light lunch, because there would be food at the party, she had put him in his first bubble bath and gave him a good scrub, before starting to dress him up, and he had been as good as gold, if a little bit quiet and pensive. "Your skin looks so smooth...and this colour really suits you, darling?"

"Thank you, Mummy."

"Everyone at the party will be in a proper party won't be the only one...and your new friends will make you very welcome, you know?" She continued, trying to get him to open up and talk to her. "The whole petticoating community are very've already been invited to tea with Sebastian next week and he is such a nice little boy?"

"Yes, Mummy." Darren murmured, almost automatically, his hands in his lap, brushing over the soft velvet, feeling the silk lining against his skin, and the bulk of his nappy. He was really struggling with the speed of his transformation, not the actual change itself. He had always suspected that his parents wanted to petticoat him, because he was not an idiot, he could see that he was a prime candidate. Like Sebastian Montague. He was not as small as Sebastian, but he was short and slight for his age. Definitely a boy, not a man. Some fourteen-year-olds look like young men, need to shave even, and have a man's physique, but Darren was slender and slim, with the face of a boy. And he was sensitive. He was a real thinker, he liked studying and learning new things, and he preferred art and music to football, all of which made him a target for the bullies. Staring at his face in the mirror as his mother touched up his makeup, he looked like a girl with short hair, just like that.

"You are being so good for me, little you like your dress, darling?"

" think it would look nice on a girl, Mummy?" Darren stammered, struggling not to lie, but not wanting to get himself into trouble.

" is a boy's dress...Prince George wore something like this...I showed you the picture, do you remember?"

"Yes, Mummy."

"I will admit that the velvet shoes came from the girl's section...but they are just you think you can manage the little heels, Darren?" Penny grinned, taking his hands to help him to his feet. "I think you are going to be the belle of the ball?"

"Do you think Ryan is going to the party, Mummy?" Darren asked, because petticoatees do not have mobile telephones, and Meadvale students were not allowed to take them to school anyway, so he had no way to contact his old friends, even if he wanted to, which he was not sure he did, really.

"I haven't talked to his Mummy this week, darling...but my guess would be no...I think they might get him a Sunday dress sooner or later, like his cousin...but as long as he gets his grades up and stays out of trouble, he will just wear a skirt for school?" Penny said gently, guiding him in front of the full-length mirror. It was a lovely dress, with full skirts, puff sleeves and a nice, modest neckline. Darren was also wearing white satin tights and the red velvet MaryJanes with love heart buckles. "But he will be kind to you at school...and you will have lots of new friends who are just like you, darling?"

"Yes, Mummy." Darren said quietly. He liked Ryan, who had stuck with him through the bullying at their last school, although he was more of a comic than a fighter. But he did not know how his friend would react to his new persona. Both boys had been worried about being petticoated out of school, for quite obvious reasons. Whatever the basic principles and theories of educational petticoating were, continuing the good habits out of school as well as in were seen as beneficial for the children concerned. That was why the school recommended so many home rules, which were designed to reinforce school rules, such as doing homework in school uniform and going to bed at reasonable times. So, the unpetticoated were already under pressure. But Ryan was enrolled at Meadvale Mixed because of his grades, and his parents were less into petticoating than they were the academic ethos of the new school.

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