Half Term

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Sebastian Montague sat quietly in his pushchair, sucking hard on his pacifier, as his mother fussed over Amelia somewhere behind him, probably checking her diaper, and giving her just a bit of a telling off. It was half-term and Caroline Montague was on a mission to cheer her son and her surrogate daughter up by taking them into London for the day, but they were not getting off to a very good start. Sebastian was simply terrified about Steven Deacon transferring to Meadvale Mixed, and to a lesser extent Daniel Morris, whilst Amelia was in a bad mood about being diapered for the holidays for no good reason other than her parents wanting to ruin her life. She was huffing and puffing about everything and Caroline had not even got them into the station by that stage.

"Amelia...you would have been diapered for this outing anyway...Sebastian is...you know that the toilets on these trains are disgusting and finding any decent facilities around London is a bit pot luck...but I will take you when we find one, okay?" Caroline said, trying her best to be patient with the teenager. Petticoating the children did not stop their hormones and she knew that Amelia was just playing her up, but there were limits. "I told your Mummy that I would if I could and she agreed, as you messed quite well over the weekend, love? But this attitude will see you getting spanked later? Please be sensible?"

"Sorry, Auntie Caroline." Sebastian heard Amelia mumble, finally coming to her senses with her bottom definitely on the line. He was actually surprised that she had survived the weekend without a spanking and his mother was right, they were always going to be diapered for a trip to the Natural History Museum. Not that he cared either way. All he could really think about was Steven Deacon starting at Meadvale. Mrs Blackstone had told him about it on the last day of the half-term, making lots of promises about his safety, but she did not have a clue what a thug like Deacon could do. Danny Morris was also a concern, but less of one, because he had been petticoated at Christmas, before spending two terms at Burnham College, and Sebastian knew what that would have been like. But it would still be horrible to have to face his former bully every day. Sebastian had left all of that behind him, but as soon as he heard about Steven Deacon, all of his old fears and insecurities came flooding back like a rip tide.

"Come on you, it's too crowded to leave you in the stroller and these are the only spare seats available, so you can be my lap warmer?" Caroline said, settling her son on her knees as Amelia got comfortable beside her, in the window seat. It was all a bit cramped, but Sebastian was small and he really needed a cuddle. She took out his pacifier after resting his head against her soft shoulder. Both children were wearing heavy purple overcoats as October was turning into a cold one. "Are you feeling any better, little one?"

"No, Mummy." He mumbled, as Amelia took hold of his hand, sweetly concerned. Caroline loved Amelia like a daughter, but their relationship was nothing compared to the bond Amelia had with her son.

"I know it's a shock, darling...but those awful boys are being petticoated...neither of them will be allowed anywhere near you, I promise?"

"And we are always together...the six of us...plus Danielle at breaks...even in the loo...so we will all make sure that you are safe?" Amelia added, saying just the right thing in Caroline's opinion, because they were all in the same class, apart from Danielle.

"I don't feel safe?" Sebastian whined, turning his face into his mother's chest.

"It is just the shock of finding out...when you think about it, and remember that Meadvale is a very different proposition to Reigate, you'll feel better? No one is going to let those awful boys terrorise you, Sebastian...believe me, please, my darling?"

Danielle Morton did not feel better. She had made several aborted attempts to talk to her parents about things, but it never seemed to be the right time, or the phone rang or something like that, so she had got nowhere. Which was why Mrs Peters had her on the changing table dealing with a particularly pungent nappy. Mrs Peters would happily have taken her to the loo if she had asked, but Helen Morton had insisted that she had enough on her plate that day with Olivia, Callum, Ryan and Darren to cater for, and that she wanted Danielle to mess.

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