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"Miss Boothe is working out very well...I have to have eyes on Arabella all the time, and it was impossible for me with two of them...I wasn't getting anything else done?" Karen Sinclair explained to Helen Morton as she poured her guest a cup of tea in her conservatory. "It will be a lot easier when they are at school, of course...but Miss Boothe is at college and she can help out in the afternoons if I need her...Mrs Blackstone recommended her to me? Sheila is being so supportive with both children...counselling them and everything...and this was an excellent idea...Miss Boothe seems to be very efficient?"

"Sheila recommended her to me too...I have used dear Megan for a bit of babysitting...once or twice...she is very responsible and extremely competent...she had Danielle wrapped around her little finger in next to no time as I remember," Helen smiled as she watched Miss Boothe supervising the three children in the garden. The Friday of half-term week was a warm, sunny day, and the Sinclair's had swings and a treehouse slide in their large back garden. "She is a little young...but I must admit that I have been very impressed with her, so far?"

"I am hoping Arabella will warm to her...she hates me and everything becomes a battle...I don't want to be always telling her off," Karen sighed as she put a dash of milk into each cup and sat back in her chair. "And I am so sorry that Danielle was adversely affected by what my stepdaughter did on Tuesday...she is such a lovely girl...Felix was very taken with her? I was so upset that you had to spank her, Helen?"

"Growing pains...it was really nothing to do with Arabella...Danielle is just at that difficult age where she can see the end of the road but is not quite ready to get there?" Helen suggested with a little shake of her head as she watched Miss Boothe blowing her daughter's nose. "She was getting frustrated long before Tuesday...sometimes they need a good spanking to settle them down again...and putting her in a pair of those special shorts seems to have helped her as well...she needs to be reminded that she is still a little girl?"

Danielle was certainly behaving like a little girl for Miss Boothe. Not that she was actually being given a lot of choice in the matter. Megan was obviously focussing on Arabella, watching her every move, but she still found the time to baby Felix and Danielle. Danielle was hating every minute of it, but she was also desperately eager to please. She really needed to prove to her parents that she had learned her lesson, because she really needed to get out of her hateful punishment pants. Sitting on a big double swing opposite Arabella, she could feel and hear the crinkly plastic as she moved, held pulled up tight by the braces.

"She is a bitch, isn't she?" Arabella muttered as they swung gently back and forth, taking advantage of Megan being twenty yards away watching Felix on the slide.

"You mustn't say things like that...Miss Boothe is looking after us and I don't want to get in any trouble?" Danielle gasped, glancing nervously over her shoulder to make sure that Megan could not hear them. Arabella laughed at her. "I want her to tell Mummy how good I have been for her?"

"God...you are so pathetic?" She sneered, but quite quietly, because she was not exactly that keen on getting into more trouble either. She hated the punishment pants as well, but it was the paddle she really wanted to avoid, so she was being reasonably cooperative. She had heard her stepmother describe her behaviour as insolently obedient, and reluctantly polite. "You don't have to be so submissive...it won't do you any good...they'll just expect it all the time?"

"I don't want to go to school in these?" Danielle groaned, just as Megan walked back over to check on them.

"Are you two having fun?" She asked, taking hold of the pole between their seats and making the swing go a little faster.

"Yes, Miss...thank you, Miss." Danielle said, and Arabella laughed again.

"What she said?"

"Come on now, Arabella...you can learn a lot from Danielle," Megan grinned, looking them both up and down, apparently enjoying her work. Danielle was wearing a royal blue coat, white tights and black MaryJanes, whilst Arabella and Felix were in red duvet coats. "She is always so good for me...and so polite...aren't you, Danielle?"

The Natural Sissy and the GangHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin