A New Beginning.

71 1 18

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This takes place after an incident that happened within the story that will slowly be revealed as the next chapters come out!



Rantaro!!! <3

Kokichi: Hey.

Rantaro: Hey?

Kokichi: Look, I know things have been weird since...

Kokichi: The incident.

Kokichi: But hear me out.

Rantaro: There's nothing to "hear you out" on, Ouma.

Kokichi: Just let me explain!

Rantaro: Things can't just go back to the way they were when we were cringy teenagers. These are serious consequences that we have to deal with now. I don't care if it wasn't your fault. I don't care if it wasn't Kaede's fault. And if you try to claim Shuichi's innocence in all of this??? forget it. 

Kokichi: Can't we talk this out??

Rantaro: No. This is absolutely non-negotiable. I don't even know why you attempted to bring this up again. It's about the third time this WEEK.

Kokichi: We used to be best friends!!

Kokichi: Shuichi was your friend! And he's your roommate too! You can't just stay mad at him forever

Rantaro: Best friends?? Hah. You still don't remember much at all, do you? You aren't even yourself anymore, Ouma. I mean, look at you. You're begging me to hear you out on something you'd usually just spring on me out of nowhere. You'd be dragging me to do who-knows-what with Akamatsu and Saihara. But this?? This entire thing?? It doesn't make any sense. Remembering it doesn't help either. There's WAY too many layers to this and there is NO way that I'm going to be a part of it anymore. I'm not going to talk to you, Shirogane, Akamatsu, Saihara, or you. Especially you.

Kokichi: Back to last names, I see? You just called them Kaede and Shuichi!! I KNOW you still care about them!!


There was no response


Pickled Gaylords!!

Shuichi: Any luck?

Kokichi: No.

Kokichi: Wait why are you asking in this chat??

Miu: It is almost THREE IN THE MORNING what the HELL are you guys doing up?? What happened??

Kaede: Is this about Rantaro??

Tsumugi: Maybe you guys should let it go... It *has* been a while...

Kokichi: Why would we give up?? There's NO way we're throwing YEARS of friendship down the drain for whatever this is! 

Kaede: ....

Shuichi: ....

Maki: You still haven't gotten all of your memories back? Your recent ones, I mean. From the past few years?

Kokichi: Unfortunately not... but it's hard when no one will SPEAK to me!! I mean, what really happened? Shuichi?

Shuichi: I'm not sure I follow... 

Miu: What the absolute fuck is going on

Miu: No seriously what in the fuck


Kaito: Oh.

Kaito: Kokichi.

Kaito: Listen, it's been months. I'm not even sure I follow what you were trying to say back then, but it's obviously not going to do any good now. 

Kokichi: You don't get it do you? You really don't get it? 

Miu: What incident what the fuck happened

Miu: I know Rantaro left the chat last month but

Miu: Is that what this is about

Himiko: miu... i don't think u need to know what's going on. u may have been left out for a reason.

Miu: RUDE??? 

Himiko: it's not that we don't want u to know, it's that we haven't really told anyone outside of all who were involved. 

Miu: Does it have to do with why the abortion has been acting strange recently?

Himiko: miu.


Kokichi: Abortion?? that's mean :(

Miu: Well duh?? 

Kokichi: ???

Miu: What is going ON

Tsumugi: Well, to put it plainly...

Miu: Hm?

Himiko: i don't think we should be telling anyone 

Tsumugi: Fine...

Miu: Back the FUCK up what is going on???

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