Chapter 10 Cuddle Day

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'Italic thoughts'- Harry's wolf
'Bold thoughts'- Draco's Vella


Harry POV

I woke up early and I saw the Draco had moved in his sleep. Instead of me spooning him, he had turned around and was now snuggled into my chest, and holy shit he was cute

'can we just stay like this forever? He's so fucking cute'

'I know he is, and I wanna stay like this too, but we really should wake him up'

'no, don't wake him up, if he wakes up he wakes up, but we should at least take this chance, it's rare we wake up first'

'I guess your right, it's rare we get to see his cute little face when he's asleep'

'ha, so you admit I'm right for once'

'yeah yeah, shut up, your ego doesnt need to get any bigger' I thought as I rolled my eyes and my wolf

'yeah yeah, wait, shh, shh, he's waking up! Pretend to be asleep!'

And surprisingly I did as he said, I held him closer and closed my eyes slightly, so it looked like I was asleep but I could still see Draco

Draco POV

As I woke up I felt that my head was against some hard, but comfortable and warm. I didn't know what it was but I snuggled into it. It was then that I felt the arms around my waist. I could feel the thing I was laying on moving slightly, almost as though is was breath

'Wait- breathing-? Shit!'

I quickly looked up, realising what I was laying on, only for my guess to be correct. I was laying on Harry


'shit shit shit, why? Just why? Every damn time!'

I covered my face and buried my face into Harry's chest in embarrassment, letting out a noise that I refuse to call a whine

'because we both like cuddling him'

'it was a rhetorical question'

'Well I'm not wrong though'

'yeah, yeah, whatever'

I snuggled into Harry chest more, thinking he was still asleep

That was, until I felt his chest move more and I heard him chuckle

Harry's POV

'I can't keep pretending, he's too bloody cute'

I couldn't help chuckling softly and holding him closely and I felt him hide his face in my chest more and he whines slightly, probably from embarrassment

"how long have you been awake?" he mumbled slightly against my chest slightly

"I was awake before you were Dray"

As I said this he looked up at me, face red from embarrassment, and he was glaring at me slightly. Despite him trying to be intimating, all I could think about is how cute he looked, and how much I wanted to kiss him.

'wait what-?! Kiss him!? No way, never ever, nope! Not happening!'

As he glared up at me slightly he hit my chest and leaned back, away from me, as much as he could while being in my arms

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