Chapter 3 Worries and Doubts

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Once Draco woke up he ran straight to the bathroom and threw up. When he finished throwing up he looked in the mirror but he saw something he didn't expect, his hair was slightly longer, his body was much, much more delicate and feminine, but most importantly, on his back was a set of massive wings as white as fresh snow. Once he composed himself he walked out of the bathroom to find his mother sitting on his bed waiting for him. When she saw him she gasped in surprise


"I'm a sub. I Draco Lucius Malfoy, am a submissive." he said with a straight face, he then nose dived into the duveut and whined "What am I going to do! Everyone already hates me because of that nose-less bastard!! And now I'm going to get picked on for being a submissive! End me! Please mother!!"

"Now, now Draco, it's not that bad, once you find your mate they will make sure no-one hurts you in anyway"

"But what if my mate hates me! What if they reject me mother!!"

"They can't and they won't. they are your mate, they were made for you. Just like you were made for them"

"I know mother, but I'm just worried"

"Everyone always is Dear, but the seconds you hear your mate say they except you all of your worries and doubts disappear, trust me sweetie"

"alright mother"

Meanwhile Harry had sent an letter to Sirius and Remus since they both knew about being a canines, they then got to Harry as fast as they could

(Sirius) "Harry! We came as soon as we got the letters"

(Remus)"Are you ok?!"

(Harry) "Yeah, I'm fine, I just need help controlling my wolf, he keeps trying to eat Hegwig. So can you help me?"

(S)"Of course we can"

(R)"But there will be no slacking off, you have a lot to learn before you go back to Hogwarts Pup"

"Understood, anyways, when have I ever slacked off in you classes"

Remus stared at Harry with the 'do you really want me to answer that?/seriously?' look

"Ok don't answer that, but I promise, no slacking."

"Good, now lets go, come on Padfoot"

"I'm coming Moony, I'm right behind you"

I hope you all liked this chapter I am so, so sorry for not updating Life has been crazy, and not in the fun way. I'll try and update more but that's a hope, not a promise cause i have school and all and because of Covid 19 a lot of my class, me included, have fallen behind and we have exams coming up in just over two months, and that's not a lot of time when you have to learn as much as we do. But anyways i wish you all luck in this crazy and hectic time. Until next time, peace out

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