Chapter 2 Inheritance (Draco)

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Draco POV

*I wonder what my Uncle Sev and my mother want, when they called me down it seemed important*

"Draco, sweetie, I have something I need to tell you"

"What is it mother? And why is Uncle Severus here?

"You're mother wanted me here for, moral support"

"I see. So what is it that you need to tell me mother" I said as I turned back to facing my mother and she looked almost afraid to tell me

"You see sweetie it's three things, 1. You are not related you Severus in anyway, he is you god-father, but as he was close to us and he was around a lot so you thought he was you're uncle"

"I suppose it's not that big of a shock, it was quite obvious for a while, may I still call you uncle tho?"

"If you must"

"Good, because I plan too. What are the other 2 things mother?" my patience was running thin, I was desperate to know, my curiosity always has been my foe

"You see, those are the more difficult ones. Firstly, you are not human, you are a Vela."

My face grew white, how was I, Draco Lucius Malfoy, a Vela!?! But then I realised a Vela is a very strong and powerful creature, even as a sub, they are powerful, the only creatures with similar strength and power are Werewolves, with Vampires falling just behind us. What had originally frightened me now brought a smile to myself think I would be the strongest person going back to Hogwarts. Although, what my mother said next did not make me happy.

"And secondly you will be going through your inheritance, and once you do you will need to find you're mate. I'm sorry sweetie, but your inheritance will kick in in less than 2 hours."

At this point my face turned whiter than my bed sheets, and that's saying something since they get cleaned daily by the house elves. I've read about inheritance before, it was painful, very painful, apparently if you are sick or you body can't take it, then you could die, that wasn't a problem for me since I was healthy, but if the pain is enough to kill someone, it must be painful.

My mother locked me in my room with something to eat and drink, saying that I could be dangerous if anyone was near since Vela are so strong, their wings alone can send someone flying and probably kill them.

After about a hour and a half my body started to feel like I was being broken and put back together, this excruciating pain went on for what feels like hours, but was at most a few minutes, after that I passed out.

It is extremely late right now, I will finish this in the morning, I just wanted to get some stuff out since half term starts on Thursday. Picture up top is how I react to people dissing my ships

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