Chapter 9 Morning Fears And Cuddles

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When Draco woke up the next morning, in Harry's arms, he turned around, so he was facing the ravenet, and snuggle closer to him. He relaxed slightly before he heard a chuckle come from Harry

"You comfy there Dray? Haha"

Draco's face turned pink in embarrassment as he buried his face into Harry's chest

"How long have you been awake Harry?"

His words were muffled slightly since he didn't lift his head up from Harry's chest

"A few minutes before you did"

Harry's reply made Dracko let out a frustrated groan

Draco's POV

'Great! I haven't even been awake for 5 minutes and I've already made a fool out of myself!!' I thought

"We should get up and ready"

I was about to get up but Harry's arms just wrapped around me tighter

"Dray, it's the weekend and we're staying in bed"

I knew there was no use arguing so I just gave up and put my arms on his chest and lay down.

I must have fell asleep because the next thing I know there's a knock at our door. I manage to wriggle out of Harry's grip and I made my way to the door, putting on a robe at the same time since it was cold. When I opened the door I did not expect to see the Weaselet there.

"What the Hell are you doing here Malfoy?!!"

"This is mine and Harry's dorm, it should be me asking you why you're here. "

"I'm here to get my boyfriend back!"

I leaned onto the door frame with my arms crossed before laughing

"Haha, sweetie, he's not yours anymore, just leave him alone and let him be happy"

She was about to say something else before Harry spoke up


"I'm over by the door Harry, we have an unwelcome visitor"

As soon as I said it he was standing next to/behind me with his arms wrapped around me protectively which made me blush.

I could see the Weaslets' face and I had to try not to laugh. She looks as though she's bitten straight into a lemon or a chilli.

"What do you want Ginny?." Harry asked, although I could tell he wasn't, really, paying attention since he had his nose buried in my neck, which made me shiver.

"Well, after a lot of thought, I've decided to forgive you and take you back" she said smugly.

*Ugh, how I wanted to slap this bitch.*

"Wait, I'm sorry, what-? Did I hear that correctly, you 'forgive me' -? For what?" Harry lifted his head dout of my neck and looked at the redhead like she started talking backwards while having two heads.

"For breaking up with me, for being rude to me and Ron, and for making, a mistake" she had a shit eating grin on her face, and I had a feeling knew what was coming next

"And that mistake being what exactly?."

"Thinking that you were some sort of fag, we all make mistakes and I'm willing to forgive you if we get back together"

*I am going to hit this Bitch!*

I was about to lunge at her but, unfortunately, Harry held be back.

"Oh, yeah, and Harry, I don't want you around that death eater anymore either!"

*That one has said that to my face all year...*

Harry's POV

"Oh, yeah, and Harry, I don't want you around that death eater anymore either!"

I could see and feel Draco visibly stiffen at the name she used, that's it gloves are off now.

"What did you just call him?." I look her in the eyes, growling lowly

"Tch, you heard me, he's a low life faggot and he's a death eater!"

All I could see was red. I immediately let go of Draco and lunged at her. I pinned her to the corridor wall by her throat, stopping her from breathing.

"Don't you ever, ever call him those things!" I unleashed my claws and a felt as they dug into her throat, making me smile wickedly.

"If I ever, and I mean if I ever hear you call my Dragon those names or anything else other than his name. I swear to merlin himself I will kill all you're little buddies one by fucking one and make you watch before I skin you alive. Have I made myself clear?."

She nodded her head as fast, as she could, mumbling a meek, "yes". I then threw her down the corridor, not carrying what happens to her.

I go back into our room and close the door. Once I do I'm immediately wrapped up in arms, legs and wings. Draco latched himself onto me as soon as I closed the door, burying his face in my neck. I put my hand under his thighs/butt to help support him, while I gently play with his hair with my other hand

"You ok there Draco?" I ask as I sit on the bed, with him on my lap

"Don't call me that, call me the other name."

"Dray?" I say slightly confused

"No, the one you said out there." he crossed his arms trying to look annoyed, but only ending up looking adorable.

I realised what he wanted me to call him and I blush slightly, smirking a little

"What? You want me to call you Dragon? Or my Dragon?~" I say the last part leaning closer, smirking

His eyes widened and his face turned bright red as he became a blushing, stuttering mess before covering his face in embarrassment

"Awwww, cutie" I mumble as I keep running my fingers through his hair gently

We spent most of the day laying together, cuddling, talking, and occasionally I made him flustered, but how can I help it? He's just too cute not too

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2022 ⏰

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