Chapter 32: Lost in Time

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In the past at the Monastery of Spinjitzu, young Wu and Garmadon send the four Time Blades into the time vortex, with young Acronix and Krux following the blades as the rift closes

Past Garmadon looks surprised "Did Krux and Acronix just..."

"It appears they chose being lost to time over facing their punishment. The outcome is not as we intended. But Ninjago is now safe" past Wu says

Another time vortex forms and the Iron Doom lands directly in front of the gate of the monastery. The door to the Iron Doom opens and the future Krux and Acronix step out.

"They look confident. Overly so" Acronix says

"Heya, Ice, am I seeing things or are those the guys we just beat?" the Past Master of Lightning, Jay's mother, questions

"Indeed they are, Lightning" the Past Master of Ice replies

"Why, yes, we are. You have already stopped us once today. But that was before we had a legion spawned from the Great Devourer" Krux laughs

Jay's mother whines "Aw, I thought I was gonna finally go on my honeymoon. Really cute guy, too. Cliff is an actor and when I look into his eyes-"

"Stop! Focus, everyone" Past Wu interrupts

"Vermillion warriors!" Machia calls out and points to them "Attack!"

Past Garmadon picks up past Zero and holds him close to him. Past Wu tries to fight them off and is about to be finished off until Kai and Nya destroy the warriors attacking them with their powers.

"Ray! Maya! You've returned!" past Wu shouts surprised

Kai disguises his voice "Uh, yes. And we've um, studied these warriors. To defeat them, you cannot allow them to reform"

"I thought the forging of the Time Blades exhausted you" Past Garmadon says

"Not important right now" Nya responds disguising her voice as well

The past Elemental Masters begin to get the upper hand in their fight with the Vermillion. As they're about to finish off the last of the Vermillion, the Vermillion all explode back into their component snakes.

The Elemental Masters watch as the snakes slither up the Iron Doom, entering parts of it in the process. Using the helmets obtained from Blunck and Raggmunk, Acronix and Krux then order the Iron Doom to arise, causing the snakes in the Iron Doom to give the machine life as it then towers over the monastery.

"Argh, seriously? Normal snake samurai are hard enough. How do we stop that?" Jay's mother complains

The Iron Doom then slams its left arm into the ground and shoots a boulder from its mouth, with the Masters retaliating with their powers. The Iron Doom then moves up, smashing down the front gate and walls of the monastery.

As young Wu and Garmadon preform Spinjitzu, the Iron Doom knocks them aside. Kai and Nya then try Airjitzu, but they too are knocked down as they land slightly down the mountain.

Kai pulls out the Dragon Blade. The two summon the Fusion Dragon to combat the Iron Doom, the Fusion Dragon rams into the Iron Doom.

They try to snag the blade from but fails. The Iron Doom pulls out a sword from its back and swings towards the dragon.

"Watch out!" Nya shouts

They dodge, as the Iron Doom turns towards the Masters in the monastery, the Fusion Dragon tries to strike it from behind but is knocked away.

The Iron Doom shoots several boulders towards the Fusion Dragon, but they all miss. Kai and Nya use their powers, together they manage to knock Krux and Acronix back away from the controls.

Nya suddenly jumps off the Fusion Dragon and lands with her powers. She then runs down to the forest below the monastery, where she finds something. As Kai shoots a fireball at the Iron Doom, young Wu orders the Masters to distract the Iron Doom.

With this distraction, Kai slams into the Iron Doom, causing it to fall onto the monastery, with Krux and Acronix briefly screaming. They stare down as the Iron Doom's blades fall down the side of the mountain. Using their helmets, they get the Iron Doom back up.

Using his helmet, Acronix activates the time apparatus on the Iron Doom as it opens another time vortex above it. Kai then tries to hit the Iron Doom one more time, but Acronix causes it to dodge his attack as the Fusion Dragon disappears.

The Iron Doom disappears into the time vortex, it closes behind them. Nya run over to the two.

"I've failed everyone" Kai looks down "I failed."

"You didn't fail Kai" Nya tells him

"They got away and we can't stop them from returning and destroying everything." Kai covers his face.

"Their's still hope." Nya takes out the reversal time blade "We can fix it."

As the three hold the Reversal Time Blade, Nya and Master Wu let go, causing the recent events to reverse until the point of when Kai was about to miss Acronix with the Fusion Dragon.

As Acronix is about to duck with the Iron Doom, Kai instead avoids the Iron Doom and goes to the ground to pick up Nya and Master Wu, with Master Wu saying that they must ensure the future has not been affected before tossing the past Reversal Time Blade to his younger self.

In the future, everything is returned to normal, and Aria was unfrozen from time.

"Dad?" Aria looks around "What happened?"

Aria didn't see her father anywhere and got worried. She looked back at the destroyed Temple of Time before heading back to Ninjago.

"Mom?" Aria calls out as she enters the palace "Dad?"

"That's very unfortunate, I'm so sorry for your loss." She heard her mother's voice

Aria entered the great hall to see her mother apon her throne speaking to Lloyd.

"Mom" Aria makes her presence known

"Aria dearest, there you are." Layla turns towards her "We were worried sick."

Aria approaches her mother "What happened?"

"The Time Brother's were defeated." Lloyd responds "But, Master Wu was lost in time."

"I see," Aria faces him "I'm very sorry."

"We haven't lost hope yet, their's a chance we'll find him." Lloyd tells her

"I wish you the best then, Green ninja." Aria smiles

Lloyd looked surprised at how she addressed him "Yes, thank you, princess."

"Aria my star, why don't you go to your brother." Layla smiles "I must continue speaking with Master Lloyd on other matters."

"Of course mother." Aria bows to her before exiting the room

Aria heads to her brother's room and opens the door. She was surprised to see an older boy sitting on the bed of a now different room, it was no longer a nursery it was a grown prince's room.

 She was surprised to see an older boy sitting on the bed of a now different room, it was no longer a nursery it was a grown prince's room

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"I'm sorry.." Aria says as he looks at her "What are you doing in here?"

"I was a baby when you last saw me I know." The boy smiles and heads over to her "But it's still just me sissy."

Aria looks shocked "Zero?!"

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