Chapter 31: The Agreement

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Aria and her father stood in front of the remains of the temple of time, which was mostly broken columns and burnt wood.

"It's destroyed.." Svern looks shocked "It was just here a day ago."

"We're too late" Aria says "Krux and Acronix must've gotten to it already."

Svern sighs "We're lucky I still have one of the essence of time. Without it they can't activate the Iron Doom."

"What's the Iron Doom?" Aria asks

"It's a machine that will allow them to open a time vortex." Svern replies "Your mother thought it was a good idea at the time."

"Of course she did.." Aria sighs "How did she ever become Empress?"

"Adopted into it." Svern answers "After I disappeared, your mother decided to take another form and enter Ninjago undetected. She was adopted by the reining Emperor and Empress. Their son, your Uncle Lou, didn't want the throne. He wanted to pursue his singing and dancing, so your mother took the throne."

"And then she took a fake husband after I was born, right?" Aria asks

"Of course, she was still madly in love with me after all." Svern says smugly

"More like stockholm syndrome if you ask me." Aria mutters

"Anyway, we have to protect the last essence, let's get going." Svern turns around

Svern stops when he doesn't hear Aria's footsteps behind him, he turns to see her frozen in time.

"Aria!" Svern turns around to see the time brothers behind him

"It's been a long time Overlord, over 50 years I'd say." Krux says

"Unfreeze my daughter!" Svern shouts

"Why, because it's your only source of power?" Acronix asks

Svern glares at him "She's.. not an it."

"You never saw your son as a person, why is your daughter different?" Krux asks

"My son is a useless, disappointment." Svern growls "He has no purpose, just something to keep my wife entertained."

"Right, and your daughter is the key to getting your powers back." Acronix approaches him "We have no intentions of ruining your plans our Dark Lord, only, to make things easier."

"Explain yourself then." Svern says

"If you give us the last Essence of Time, we will go back in time to ensure none of this ever happens." Krux explains "The defeat of the Elemental Masters in the past will ensure that Wu never banishes your soul back to the Dark Island and your power will manifest as it would've. Everything will be as it should've and evil will rein supreme, with nobody in your way."

"Hm." Svern smirks "I like the sound of that."

"Then do we have a deal?" Acronix holds out his hand

Svern takes a compass out of his pocket and places it in Acronix's hand "We have a deal."

"Excellent." Acronix smiles "Then we shall ensure your victory soon."

"You better." Svern crosses his arms

"Oh it will, trust us." Krux laughs "Time, is on our side."

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