space girl | xavier thorpe x y/n 💋

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Tw: fluff & fem!telekinetic! reader ( i think so, or just she/her pronouns for the Xavier pov )

a/n : i am fully aware of the Percy situation, and i do not supportPercy in any way shape or form, however i do consider Xavier thorpe to be a fictional character, i also came up with this idea and was super passionate about writing it so her it is, also sorry for any capitalization, comma, grammar issues, english isnt my first language and this isnt a spell checked document except for Grammarly which btw wont stop sending me emails someone help.

Outfit a/n: only if u want she is wearing the nevermore uniform but without the blazer/coat and sweater, so like dress shirt, skirt etc...

y/n l/n name remplacement ideas: OCs sorta? ( amelia/angie/aria/jade/gemma warthrow)

and so it begins....


y/n was on her daily evening walk around campus since it helped her relax every time before bed. She would usually take the left trail after the large evergreen tree, but today she decided to take the right path, open to new opportunities.

She walked for about 5 minutes until she reached a large cylindrical tower, she looked up to see a small balcony with a distinct shadow just looming over the edge of the railing.

The girl then opened the heavy wooden door and slowly made her way up the stairs. Once she reached the last step, she noticed the shadow was actually nevermore's tortured artist, xavier thorpe. He looked up at her and immediatley closed his sketchbook to face her.

- Can i see that? She asked.

-Not right now, its a work in progress, he replied.

-Oh, okay. y/n nodded.

-I didn't know i was the only one out this late. He said, smiling at her.

y/n smiled back at the boy. He didnt know she had been crushing on him ever since she had first seen him at school when she arrived at nevemore.

-And i didnt know there was an astronomy tower here. She replied, making her way over to the railing and smiled up at the stars.

-You into astronomy? Xavier asked, standing next to her.

-Not really, im an astrotelekinetic, so i can move things in space.

(a/n: i know this doesent really exist but it makes more sense to name it that lol )

-Really? He replied, thats so cool!, can you show me?

-Sure, the girl smiled. She took a moment to look up into the sky, studying her materials.

She then swung her finger to the left, and xavier looked up in awe as a small star moved over to the left as well. y/n took each star within reach and swept it left and right, slowly forming out letter for xavier to read.

She smiled as she placed the moon onto the first letter.

i love you.

It read. y/n looked at the boy, his eyes skimmed over the three words over and over again.

She began thinking about it, wondering if it was a bad idea, xavier was dating bianca, wasn't he? what if he didn't like her back? What would she do? y/n's worry grew as she looked at the boy once more.

He smiled and licked his lips, he then turned to face the girl, who had been slightly trembling the whole time. The boy made his way over to a small wooden stool, on which his sketchbook was placed, which he took, and then walked back over to y/n, who was still confused on what was happening.

Xavier flipped through a couple of pages then stopped on one, he then turned the book around to face me. I observed every detail of that drawing like a hawk, taking in every line.

It was a drawing of her, not just her though, xavier had drawn himself next to her, holding her hips as they kissed in the dim moonlight. y/n looked around the lovers, then looked around her, xavier had drawn them kissing in the exact spot they were now in.

y/n looked back up at the boy, who had been looking around with an embarrassed look on his face.

-What's this? The girl asked, taking a step towards xavier, who had a small smile forming on his face.

-Its a drawing i made, of us. He replied hesitantly.

-I know it is, but why did you draw it? She questioned again.

-It was a vision i got tonight, it came to me and i couldnt stop thinking about, so i drew it, and that's what came out.

y/n smiled again, looking at the drawing.

- Why were you thinking about kissing me, xavier?

- I, um, he looked away.

- Do you maybe, like me? y/n asked as she took another step towards the boy, who was looking around nervously, but kept his eyes on y/n as she looked up at him.

y/n tilted her head as she took one more step toward the boy, who was now towering over her. He smiled, looking down at the girl, and took one glance at her lips. She smiled, knowing the effect she had on him. Xavier took one short breath of confidence and placed his hand on y/n's waist and the other on her cheek.

She smiled and put a hand on the boy's cheek and the other on his chest , reducing the space between them.

- Can i kiss you? He finally asked, looking at the girl's smiling face.

y/n smiled. She had been dreaming of this moment for so long, she didn't even know what to say.

- You may. She replied quietly as xavier shifted his hand slightly on her cheek, holding her jaw and placing a finger on her lips.

He then pulled the girl's face closer to his, placing a kiss onto her lips. He could feel her smile on his lips as the glowing moon shined above them, its warm glow bringing much love for the teens.

Xavier slowly pulled away from the kiss, and held y/n's hand in his, both their eyes still closed. y/n and the boy's eyes slowly opened as they looked at eachother and smiled.

- You have no idea how long i've wanted to do that. The boy said, chuckling.

y/n snickered, holding xavier's other hand.

- So, does this mean we're together? She asked, looking into the boy's glittering hazel eyes.

- If you want to. He replied, smiling at her.

She snickered.

- Of course i do.

- Wanna head back? Dont want thornhill wondering what we're doing up here, he smirked.

- Yeah, y/n replied, she looked down at her outfit and remembered she forgot her coat in her dorm.

She didn't even have time to look up and xavier already had his sweater handed to her. She smiled.

- I love you so much, Thorpe.

- I love you too, L/N.

a/n: wow i actually really enjoyed writing this, i think its kinda similar to my xavier thorpe x y/n chapter ( parts 1 and 2- called she) go check it out btw, but i honestly like this one a lot more than other chaters ive written, i want to write more angst later tho so yall def need to keep an eye out for that lol.

Love you all,


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