Chapter 5

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Ryoko woke to the feeling of shifting on her chest. She groaned and slowly opened her eyes. As her vision cleared, she saw Alice was still asleep on her chest. And Ryoko was still on the couch. But there was now a big blanket over her and Alice. Ryoko carefully supported Alice's back and slowly sat up.

"I must've fallen asleep on the couch." She mumbled as she yawned.

"Kiri?" Ryoko looked over at the table. Kuriboh was there trying to cut some fruit. Ryoko chuckled and carefully stood.

"Trying to make breakfast I see?" She softly says as she walks over to the table. She sees that Kuriboh had picked some apples, and strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, peaches, and more. She smiled and pat his head.

"Thank you kuriboh. I'll take over for now ok?" Kuriboh shook his head and continued to try and cut the fruit himself. Ryoko sat and watched as Kuriboh finished making a little fruit salad for her to eat. She couldn't help but smile as he finished the salad and pushed the bowl over to her.

"Thank you kuriboh." She said as she ate the salad.

"This is delicious." Kuriboh jumped for joy. He hugged Ryoko's arm in appreciation. Ryoko giggled as she put the spoon down to pet him.

"Excited I see." She sighs as she looks at the little fruit bowl. Her mind began to wander the longer she stared at it.

"Kiri?" Kuriboh dragged her mind back into her body.

"Oh, sorry Kuriboh. I was just thinking." Ryoko said as she finished eating. Now that she had some food in her belly, she had a little more energy to make breakfast for the kids.

"Kuriboh, please go get the carrier." Ryoko said as she stood and looked at the leftover fruit that Kuriboh didn't use. Kuriboh nodded before flying off to get the carrier.


When the boys walked into the kitchen, they saw some fruit salads sitting on the table. But Ryoko was nowhere in sight.

"I wonder where Miss Ryoko is." Brad said as he went to the table.

"She might be taking care of Alice in her room." Cody suggested.

"At least she still made us something to eat." Mokuba said as he began eating the fruit from one of the bowls. The boys sat at the table as they ate. Brad then stopped eating. He stared at the bowl silently.

"Is something wrong?" Mokuba asked. Brad looked up at the long-haired boy. He glanced to his right to see Cody looking at him too. Brad sighed.

"What if... What if Miss Ryoko hasn't eaten yet?" The boys looked at Brad, then their bowls, then at each other.

"I... think I've seen her eat before." Mokuba mutters. But to be honest, he wasn't even sure if she ate.

"We should make her something to eat!" Mokuba said as he hopped out of his seat and ran over to the pantry and fridge. Brad and Cody made eye contact before shrugging and joining the youngest boy.

"What are we even going to do? It's not like any of us know how to cook." Brad said.

"Well, I know a little bit." Cody says. "I've seen my siblings make food before."

"We can make her a sandwich! Just like she made for us!" Mokuba said as he tossed some bread onto the table. He then went to the fridge and looked for ingredients to add to the sandwich.

"That's easy enough!" Cody said as he and Brad helped look for ingredients.


Ryoko came out of Alice's room with a sigh. She had finally gotten the young tot to sleep. And though she was exhausted, she still needed to care for the boys. She came out into the kitchen to find the table a mess.

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