Now sitting in between these two mountains of men you start to feel small. You're by no means smaller than most people, but it's hard not to be small sitting between two men over 6'4 who both have the muscle mass of a bull. You try to ignore the flustered feeling growing inside of you by focusing on your blanket. The yarn was a gift you got for the holidays. A nice decently chunky pastel ombré type yarn. Fluffy and perfect for a blanket. As you're crocheting you notice Michael pick up the ball of yarn and begin to run his fingers over it.

The contrast between Michael and the yarn makes you chuckle, earning you a look from Michael.

"Oh no I wasn't laughing at you Michael. I just thought it was funny how contrasting you are from the yarn." Jason adjusts next to you and signs something to Michael. You can't pick up on most of it aside from "They, you, hurt and, nice." Michael nods and sets down the yarn, moving a little closer to you, now signing something to Jason. You previously had your legs decently spaced apart, nothing too out of the ordinary but now your legs are being more forced together. Jason shakes his head at Michael but he signs something again. Jason looks down to you and back to Michael only signing 'Fine'.

You decide to let them talk this out, but soon Jason is moving closer to you as well, now really forcing your legs together. Not to the point where you're uncomfortable but to the point where your legs are pressed together. That flustered feeling is starting to eat away at your stomach like acid eating away at rusty metal.

"If you need more space I can leave. I don't-" Your mid standing up when Michael pulls you back down between them. He soon puts an arm around your torso, under your arms so you can still crochet, but the message is clear to you now, they want you here, 'crushed' between them. You accept your fate and act like you're totally not freaking out internally as you go back to your project. A few minutes pass before Jason places a hand on your thigh. You look up at him, pupils wide. He quickly moves his hand away, "No you're fine Jason," You say putting his hand back on your lower thigh, "Just ask if you're unsure." You can hear your voice quivering slightly.

You spend the next 20 minutes sitting in between Jason and Michael, working on your blanket and giving the occasional glance to either man. Soon enough the peace is interrupted by Billy walking into the living room with Brahms close behind. A smile widens on Billy's face while yours heats up, now becoming unable to look anyone in the eye.

"Are you guys going to-"

"Shut up!" You say a little louder than you meant to. Billy doesn't seem to falter, "We are just sitting on the couch together, that's literally all it is." Michael stands up and leaves the room. Brahms is quick to take Michael's place on the couch, however not as close as him. You focus on your blanket and also like Michael Brahms picks up the ball of yarn and feels around it.


Later on when you're helping Hannibal pick up dishes after dinner Herbert approaches you.

"Would you mind going into the basement with me Y/n? I'd like to do a check up on your ankle." You set the plates you were holding on the table and shake your head.

"I don't mind doing that. I might need help getting down the stairs however."

" I don't mind helping you with that." You follow Herbert down the stairs to the basement. The larger half is full of deep freezers, meat hooks, butcher equipment, etc.

"My room is over here," He says, opening a door to the left of the stairs. You nod and follow him inside. His room is neatly kept. With a few medical posters on the walls and a mini fridge. It's a finished room, like something a normal person would have, "Take a seat on my bed please," Herbert says. You follow his instructions and remove your crutches, rolling up your pant leg for him to look at your ankle. He soon walks over and starts to unwrap your ankle, "Have you had much pain recently? Not just in your ankle. After what you did to your ex I'd assume you're pretty sore."

"I am having some back pain but nothing too serious. My ankle doesn't hurt much anymore." You reply.

"That's good to hear," He finishes unwrapping your ankle and looks at it. There's only faint bruising left on it, "Now I'm going to move it around, let me know if it ever hurts." You nod and he begins to move your ankle around slowly. You smile when you don't feel any pain while he does this.

"It feels like it's normal. I think I can walk on it again."

"Let's wait until tomorrow to start that." Herbert discards your old bandages and you sit up fully on his bed when you notice something glowing in his mini fridge.

"What's in your fridge?" You ask, pointing to the fridge, "I'd assume you wouldn't keep whatever that is in the house." Herbert quickly shuts the door to the fridge.

"It's nothing really. I think it's time you should go back up." You nod and stand up.

"Well I just want to say thank you Herbert. Thank you for being so welcoming to me staying here."

"It's really nothing at all Y/n." You leave his room with a smile and walk back upstairs. You run into Will on your way back to your room.

"Y/n I have a question."


"Do you know how to shoot a gun?" You pause at his words and shake your head after a few moments.

"I've never needed to learn how to."

"Well I think it's time you learned how to. I'm thinking sometime next week I can take you to a shooting range. If you're comfortable with that." You nod.

"I'm ok with that. I assume you keep guns in the home." He nods.

"We do. Only Hannibal and I really know how to shoot however. Herbert said he had a close friend who knew how to shoot. But he's never been too interested in learning."

"Do you know what Herbert is working on downstairs? I saw something glowing in a mini fridge of his, I'm worried it could be something toxic, or radioactive."

"I can promise you that it's not. Herbert is a doctor, but he has other side projects that he works on. You don't need to worry about it too much."

"Alright, thanks Will."

"Anytime darling." You two go your separate ways, but his last words stick in your mind for the rest of the day. 

This chapters song is "Clown" By Switchblade Symphony. 

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