Wehrmacht Welcome

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The German Heer and Luftwaffe had worked to set up a parameter for the airbase. The Messerschmitts would fly around the area, and create maps from the photos the isle, and the central tower. 

They had also noted seeing several small to medium sized towns along the coast. A small team was put together, and they were given a truck, some fuel, and food, they were tasked with investigating the town, and see where they were.

Unteroffizier Viktor Groth was leading the small team, driving a Opal Blitz, down the rough roads. The 9 men with him were simply talking, as the truck moved towards the first known village. 

"What? You think we ended up in some fairy tale book land? Do not be so absurd. Artur, We will find where we are soon, and then we will discover where we are." Lutz commented.

As they reached the edge of the first town. Disembarking from the truck, the 2 MG operatiors and the ammo carrier stayed in the truck, as the remaining 6 soldiers, disembarked with Viktor.

Gefreiter Bjorn Duhmer would walk over to Victor.

"GruppenFuhrer Groth. What is the plan?" Duhmer asked.

"Simple, talk with the locals. See what we can learn." Groth explained.

The soldiers walked over to a door, knocking on the door to a small shock.

The door opened and a woman opened the door, she was wearing decent, if not old stylized clothes, more found in the classical era art.

"What is it ya strangers want?" She asked.

"I am hoping to learn where we are?" Groth asked.

"Ya daft? Ye be in Upvale, on Balfiera. Wait, you'z da ones who has da mystical flying swords going about?" She asked.

"Yes, that would be us fraulein." Duhmer said.

"Well quit that. It's makin da Harpies wild." The woman said, before shutting the door in their face.

"Was she a britton?" One soldier asked.

"No, she's a old hag Imperial, and an old nutter who got brought back through Oblivion." A man said, as he ate an apple.

The man would explain each of the towns. Gallomarket, Singbrugh and Singbury, along with Warwych. The various roads were drawn on the map.

"Yeah, just so you know, Singbrugh and Singbury hate each other, they are across the river and basically can be described as a "You're dumb, we're smart, so stay the fuck away from my potato patch with your fucking pigs." The man explained, making a few germans chuckle.

"Like the times the Americans and British." A soldier said.

"So, what about that tower in the middle of the Island?" Groth asked, pointing towards it.

"The Adamantine tower. It's old, some time back some mystic types tried to find the age. It's old from what they told us. It use to have some curse when me Grand-pappy was a wee-lad. The Emperor was trapped in there, that was until the Hero of Daggerfall saved him. But no one lives there, some bull shit through." The man explained.

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