The Siege of Markarth

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The Soviets had reached the bridge crossing to cross over the Karth River. Pestov would have the artillery be set up on the ridge, to the east of the river, giving them a good distance to fire, while being protected. The 4 76mm Regimental Guns were set up before before another group moved forward, setting up behind a bend in the road, protected by rockface, in a field that was left untended.

Before the bombardment began, smoke shells were launched to block the vision of the people stationed on the wall. Squads of soldiers would reach a mine and various buildings. They would clear the buildings finding no one inside, and then checked the mines, finding them empty. 

The sounds of the artillery would be heard, as shells would land in the city, blowing up many walk ways, killing dozens of the Foresworn, and nearly destroyed several buildings to on the southern side of the city. When the shelling ended, the next phase would begin.

A T-34 would roll forward, through the smoke and breach it, riflemen would fire at the Foresworn on top of the walls, killing them as they avoid the arrow fire falling from high above them.  The tanks would be hit by balls of fire and spikes of ice, even bolts of lightning, with no success. The tank's turret would turn and fire, blasting the mage, and destroying the bit of wall they were near.

The tank would turn it's turret towards the door. Soldiers would push through the gate, ppsh fire opening and shooting at various foresworn, those who carried swords and axes. The Soviets would rush in, taking cover by door ways as they break into buildings, killing the Foresworn inside. Pathways were broken from the bombardment leading to improvised cover.

Fireballs, Ice Spikes and blasts of lightning would occasionally find the body of a soviet, and would harm them, only for a hail of bullets to meet the user of magic, killing them quickly.  As the battle of the city continued, soldiers would climb the many stair cases, and fire down upon the Foresworn, pushing them back into hold outs.

The battle would continue, until there were only 3 pockets left, a great mine to the south, the western under ground keep, and a building in a high tower in the center. 

The first area attacked was the mine, in the southern area of the city. A soldier with an ROKS flamethrower was brought forward, supported by soldiers armed with PPSHs. They would move through the mines, shooting and killing many of the people hiding in the mines. As they were cleared, the next building was searched. They found an old barracks like area, one that had been turned into a crypt, until, they found an entrance, into the underground keep. 

"We have breached the enemy lines. Prepare and let the hammer of Mother Russia bring death to these men of the Reach." a sergeant whispered, as he drew a Molotov, and light it, before throwing it on a group of foresworn barricading the door.

"Sergey! Tell the forces to follow you! We shall kill their leaders and take the first steps into a new conquest!" the sergeant commanded.

The Soviets would storm up the long steps, avoiding arrows and blasts of magic, killing savages with carefully aimed shots, before finally, they reached a long haired man, wearing a crown of antlers.

"Who are you?" He questioned.

"My name is Maksimov  Ustin Rastonovich, and you have lost!" the soldier said, pushing a rifle's barrel into the neck of Madanach, and fired, killing the king of the Reach.

The last building was the tower. They had seen various strange birds gathering at the top of the tower. As they fought their way up, they encountered more of the foresworn, those with a scar over their heart. They would be shot repeatedly, but would not go down, even when a bullet would blow open the head, exposing the brain.

"They are the undead!" One shouted, before a russian using a ppsh shot the chest and landed multiple shots on the scar, would the foresworn be killed.

"The Scars! Aim for them!" he shouted.

Pushing up the thin stair cases they would reach the the doors. As they burst open the door, they found bodies, with their hearts removed, and witches over the body.

"Baba Yaggas." One siad.

The Flamethrower equiped soldier walked forward, shooting a spray of fire in the room, making the Hags turn into birds, and fly away, either burning as birds or barely escaping. Searching deeper into the temple, they found a seeming ritual in a room, only for the materials to be burned.

By the end of the battle, 30 Soviet soldiers were killed, compared to 300 Foresworn, Ulfric Storm Cloak and Balgruuf would approach the city, surprised, as a Soldier stepped out, holding the red banner, with a golden hammer and sickle on it over the gates, proudly having it flow in the wind. 

"Commander Pestov, it is good to see you have made such a....powerful ally." Ulfric said, looking towards the sections of destroyed gatehouse.

"Yes, now, if you do not mind, my soldiers will be taking up residents, and, we expect many more soviet minds will come and repair the city, and study the lands. Markarth welcomes all to her lands, but, the name may change, maybe Pestograd. We hope that you will welcome us with the same enthusiasm." Pestov said, shaking hands with the Militia commander.

"Yes, we hope that our friendship will be remembered, well into the future." Balgruuf said.

"A comrade who drinks with us, will be remembered, be it friend-" Pestov said, turning to look at the city now under his temporary control, "-or foe." He said, nearly whispering, as he smiled.

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