The March into Skyrim

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The Soviet Commissar began the march of his soldiers, They marched direction where the sun began to set. The march was slow, as trucks and tanks were pulled free from the snow, some of the injured were put on the back of tanks. Eventually a tower was seen, one made out of stone, banners could be seen on it.

"What is that place?" One soldier asked, confused.

"Who cares, it's a sign of civilization. Keep moving!" The Commissar yelled as he walked forward, eventually seeing more signs, an old wooden building. As they got closer, they saw people.

"Hey! Hey! Over here!" the Commissar shouted. They saw one person pick something up and then an arrow landed near by.

"Do you know what you have done! Shoot them!" the commissar ordered.

A barrage of rifle fire killed the pair, before they got closer and examined the idiots dumb enough to attack them. They pulled them out of the snow and dragged them inside. A medic was pulled in and after getting some light, they saw that these people were wearing furs. One pulled the hood down and saw that the person was blue skinned, with red eyes, but also had pointed ears.

"What the hell?" The medic said, turning the head side to side, seeing both ears were pointed. They noticed that the hands were warm, very warm.

"Check the rest of this place, see what you can find." the medic ordered, as he undressed the pair of bodies, and taking stock of items he found.

x2 fur coats
x4 hide boots
x2 fur arm wrappings
x2 hide bracers
x1 face wrapping
x12 iron barbed arrows
x1 recurved bow
x2 iron daggers
x 21 coins of gold (Scratched out quickly)

One of the soldiers found a chest and looked at the back. With a screw driver, he was able to unhinge the chest and broke the chest open. Inside was a small pouch, holding 10 gold coins, a crystal of some sorts and a book with a bird on the front. The soldier opened it, started reading, it wasn't any form of Cyrillic he'd seen before, but he could understand it, when the book seemingly glowed, before it fell apart, the pages blank.

"What the hell?" the soldier shouted confused as he looked at his hands.

"I don't know, I was reading about how, energies could be given to another, to heal broken wounds, I don't understand at all." He said.

The soldiers left and reported the commissar. The pair left out the part about the book, when and were told to hop on a tank. The soldier who read the book looked down at the injured man, his arm was in a sling, his hand hanging limp. He placed his hand and there was a small glow, and the soldier looked confused, as he could close his hand, just a bit.

"What is your name?" He asked

"I am Private Gregori Maximovich." the soldier said.

"You have a magic touch, I can feel my hand again, Since the crash, it has been dead, but I can feel it again." the soldier said.

The tank stopped and everyone looked out, seeing that across a river, was a city, a walled city.

"What the? That is no fortress of the soviets. Be careful, approach on foot, tanks, hold position." the commissar ordered.

A group of soldiers walked towards the bridge, when the lead soldier was met by a younger looking man, wearing a mix of furs and what looked like, armor made from leather that had chainmail on top.

"Who are you?" He asked, confused.

"We were lost in the mountains, can you tell us where we are?" one soldier asked.

"You are in Eastmarch of skyrim. I am Ulfric Stormcloak, and I am marching through to take the lands of the Reach, to take back the city of Markarth from the Reachmen who have taken over the hold's capital." He said.

The Commissar approached Ulfric.

"You have 5 divisions of men at your disposal, we only have a single request. Upon liberation, we would like to have this place come under our authority." The commissar stated.

Ulfric looked at the soldiers, then he looked at the object in their hands. He saw people looking over the hill, and went wide eyed when they saw the KV-1 crest the hill, and made it's way down the hill. 

The tanks, made up of KV-1s T-26 and a few Early T-34s rolled down the hill. Trucks that pulled 76mm regimental guns and a few 57mm anti-tank guns. 

"You must be the dwemmer, or looted a great dwarven arsenal." Ulfric said.

The Commissar laughed.

"No, we are no dwarves and we do not value their ways. We are soviets! And these are all creations of our own minds, produced in factories, mind from the hands of soviets people." the commissar said.

A few soldiers rolled their eyes, a few shaking their heads. Ulfric smiled, before he reached his hand out.

"If you liberate the lands, I will be greatful enough that the lands will be given to you." He said, shaking the Commissar's hand.

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