Chapter 4 - Guavas

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I spent the beginning of the day on the ground talking to jeremy. I was so tired. I just didn't want to do anything.

When i saw him crawl around, his little feet tip tapping on the wood floor i got pretty happy, i always loved that sound.

"Yeah but what if I embarrass myself.."

"I know but still."

"I should get you some fruit huh. Running low on mangoes."

"Stop saying that, I need excuses to see him."

"Yes I do. I don't really want to go into town just.. Looking for a guy who probably forgot that I exist because I was only a customer.."

"Right. And you, a beetle, think you can tell me.. What to do."

"Why am I talking to an insect?"

Maybe a few more hours into the day and I go back to the thrift store to get some things for Jey's tank.

Totally not to see if he was there that day.

I did get a few things though.

A few silver rings to hang from the top of the tank, I found some cheap fairy lights I thought would look cute on the bed too..

Well, I admit, I actually didn't find that much.

And he wasn't there that day, not that I would have the courage to go up and talk to him.

Also found some nasty overripe fruit near some trees on my way back, thought Jeremy would like them as a treat.

But I decided to go to the coffee shop so I could get a paper bag for my own food and use that so I wouldn't have to carry squishy fruit in my hands.

As I walked into the shop and wandered up to the counter, which had three people already waiting, I noticed my heart pounding faster.

For no apparent reason other than I seemed to have reacted to something before acknowledging it.

As I began to walk out after well.. Getting what I actually came in for.. I notice the same light blue-green hair.

"Its him"

I think to myself as i silently gasp and leave quicker like my legs were telling me to

"Leave before you embarrass yourself."

Which was a horrible mistake at the time.

I sigh to myself as I wandered over to the tree and picked up the few yellow guavas that had fallen.

"You know you can pick the fresh ones, right?"

A voice spoke from behind me.

"I don't like guavas."

I responded, not moving from my position.

"Then why are you picking them up and collecting them?"

He asked.

"For a pet"

"You have a pet that eats guavas?"

"He's a beetle, they eat fruit."

I say as I stand up and slide the small paper bag into the pocket on my messenger bag that hangs by my side.

"What kind?"

"He's a Goliath Beetle"

I say as I turn around finally.

I jump slightly as I realise who it is.

"Cute, I used to own a garden beetle when I was.. Seven i think, they don't last very long sadly.."

His grin slowly turned to a blank expression.

"African Black Beetles don't last long as adults, you were seven so I assume you just grabbed one from outside and kept it?"

"Yep, it lasted about 2 months, but I wasn't too educated on how you keep beetles.. What do you do with them?"

"He's just a pet, I would breed them but I'm not motivated enough to try and I don't really want to put him through that."

"Do you let him crawl on you? I remember insects have sharp feet, to his feet hurt?"

"They can, but not usually"

I smile, his questions being the best thing to happen to me today.

"Are you busy tomorrow? I don't have any work and I'd like to know more about your pet"

I stare blankly, trying to remember my schedule as he smiles and gently rocks back and forth on his feet, creasing the white part to his sneakers.

"Yeah.. I think I am"

I say slowly as I squint slightly through an uncontrollable stare.

I blink a few times before looking back and making eye contact with the guy I'm supposed to be speaking to.

"I uh.. Sorry, i don't quite remember your name"

"It's Tommy, your name is.. Joshua??"


He laughs quietly.

"I'll see you then, Tommy"

I nod slightly with a smile,  exhaling when I turn around.

An Upside down Beetle, is a Dead Beetle -x- A short gay love story -x-Where stories live. Discover now