Chapter 1 - First Apartment

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I moved into my first apartment today, it was a nightmare.

Moving Jeremy's , my beetle, tank was the worst of it. I had gotten my cheap-ass furniture moved in by professionals but didn't want my tank broken.

And I certainly wasn't risking it with a moving truck.

Not with an entire small sofa in there and a gazillion little boxes.

The vases? Oh yeah just chuck em around but if you dare lay a finger on my boys tank...

I sighed as I finally put Jey in his tank and collapsed on the box covered sofa.

His tank was over near a cloudy, moss-mould covered window that had a misty image of a city you could barely see.

I contemplated cleaning it but.. Oh please if you truly think that's the worst thing in this apartment you're sorely mistaken.

The showerhead was completely gone when I last checked. Pipe and all, I had to buy a new one.

They left an entire bunk-bed but no shower pipe.

Granted, there was no mattress.

I cut up a small bit of fruit for Jeyjey and placed it in his little feeding tray before I started on my own dinner which consisted of paying other people to make and deliver cheap greasy pizza and giving a 3 dollar tip.

'Was lucky enough that i got the damn food.

I watched an old movie I had on dvd and slept under a thin fluffy blanket I bought 4 years ago.

I slept on the sofa, because holy shit mattresses are expensive and i need to collect one from a thrift store the next day.

Gross? Yes, expensive? No.

An Upside down Beetle, is a Dead Beetle -x- A short gay love story -x-Where stories live. Discover now