Chapter 11

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"Ha! I won!" Sonic exclaimed proudly. I rolled my eyes in annoyance that he was bragging. "Whatever let's just go inside." I growled. We entered the classroom with only one minute to spare. We sat down next to each other in our usual seats which was next to each other. The teacher started his lecture and I was thinking of the events earlier today and remembered me and Sonic kissing. I blushed madly at the thought then turned to look at Sonic.

Mesmerized by his beauty I kept looking at him. He then got a small piece of paper and wrote something down on it. He passed it to me and I flipped it over revealing the words written 'I see you staring ;) ' it said. I blushed as I realized he had caught me but then an idea came to mind and I smirked. Then I flipped the paper to the blank side and wrote something down then passed it back to him. It had said 'I know but I can't help my self I'm just too mesmerized by your beauty'. I knew he read it because his eyes widened and he looked to me and then the paper multiple times blushing.

Sonic turned his head away in embarrassment and refused to turn around until he had calmed down. I chuckled at his actions and then returned my focus back to the lecture. He soon calmed down as he too focused on the lecture.

The bell soon rang and me and Sonic rushed out the door to our next class. Fortunately for me Sonic was in my next class BUT unfortunately for me Zara was also in my next class with me and Sonic. I swear I could feel her staring at me. Every time I looked around I saw her gaze quickly turn away and I immediately knew she was looking at me.

Zara's P.O.V

I just couldn't help but feel jealous when I saw Shadow and Sonic sitting next to each other smiling and giggling whilst looking at each other constantly during the whole class period. I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth letting out a low growl. My bestie Sara saw my frustration and questioned me. "Zara what's wrong? Why do you seem so agitated?" I turned to look at her taking my gaze off of Sonic and Shadow. I nodded my head towards Shadow and Sonic and she made a look of realization. "Damn so you guys just broke up yesterday huh?" Sara asked. I glared at her and nodded my head.

I turned back to the lecture but I could not stop looking at Shadow. Damn it! I should have never asked him if he liked Sonic! We would've been together if I wasn't so stupid! Yes maybe we wouldn't have been such a happy couple, well at least on his end, but it would still be ok. He would've fallen for me eventually.


Rouges P.O.V

Oh my Lord will this bell just ring! I can't contain my excitement to hear what had happened with Shadow and Sonic. Last I remember was that death stare from Shadow. Yikes. I shivered at the thought of it.


I ran as fast as I could to the cafeteria to see the two I had been hoping to see standing there next to our usual table with Amy and Blaze already sitting. I approached them as calmy as I could. My excitement just struggling not to burst out into the open. I sighed calming myself down and then I arrived next to them.

Amy's P.O.V

I can't believe Sonic would just break up with me like that this morning! If it wasn't for Blaze comforting me I probably wouldn't have even come at all.

Flashback y'all

I was walking to school trying to find Sonic on the way until I saw him walking with Shadow. Huh strange considering they're like enemies. Oh well. I ran towards my Sonic excited to see his lovely face. "Sonic! There you are! I've been looking for you!" I exclaimed happily and gave him multiple kisses on his cheek. I was suddenly pushed off of Sonic by Shadow and then Shadow grabbed Sonics shoulders turning his attention to him " I have a crush on you Sonic!! I always have. I have even grown to love you! I love your smile, your voice, your laugh, the color of your fur, and pretty much just everything about you!" I saw Sonics expression was shocked and I was surprised to see how much he was blushing at Shadows outburst. Anger filled me at the thought of Shadow taking Sonic away from me. "Well you can't have him!" I yelled. "Me and him are dating and he loves me not you!" I said proudly. Then Sonic turned to me and grabbed my hands with his. I blushed lightly at his actions thinking he was gonna choose me over him. I got excited. But that excitement turned into sadness after hearing what he had to say. "Amy I'm sorry but I actually never really liked you. In a romantic way that is. You are a really good friend but unfortunately that's all I see you as." He explained. I was having mixed emotions. Them being a mix of sadness, anger, and disappointment. "How could you do this to me Sonic!" I cried and ran away.

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