Chapter 6

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"I found myself wondering if it was better to tell the truth or a lie. I got myself into this mess because of that. Instead of just telling my crush that I liked him I instead made up a lie that I had liked one of our classmates, Zara. Now my chances of getting with him are gone because Zara had previously confessed to me and I accepted trying to support my lie." I explained. "Wow. That's a lot to take in, but what I want to know is how are you going to end up telling the truth to him and Zara?" Rouge had asked. "That's the thing. I don't know! That's why I'm asking you for help. Can you please help me?" I pleaded.

"Shadow begging? Now I could get used to that." Rouge said with a smirk. "Don't push this Rouge." I growled. "Ok ok fine. Now let's see." She paused for a moment to think of what to do. "Well I know this might be kind of an obvious thing to do but why don't you just tell them both the truth and be done with it? I get it it's not that easy but it's the most simplest way out of this." She suggested.

I paused to think for a moment before finally saying my answer aloud. "I suppose your right. I guess I should go and meet him tomorrow then. Thanks for the help Rouge. I'll see you Monday at school!" I said as I walked away.

Now all I have to do is wait for tomorrow.

I walked quietly around the park for a little before hearing a few familiar voices around the corner. Curiously I checked it out. When I turned the corner I saw something I hoped I'd never have to see in my lifetime. It was Sonic...and...Amy...kissing.

I gasped and they turned their attention towards me. "Oh Shadow! Hey buddy what ya doing over here?" He asked looking a little nervous. "Hey Shadow! Can you believe it after all this time Sonic actually did love me! Isn't that right Sonic!" Amy said hugging Sonic ever so tightly.

"Y-yea I guess I did." Sonic managed to say through the tight bear hug that Amy was giving him. All I could do was look in silence. I hated this moment with all of my heart. I hated being here seeing them like this. I didn't realize it until Sonic had said something that I was slightly crying. "Shadow? Are you okay?" Sonic asked concerned. I didn't say anything and I just walked away.

I walked and walked until finally I was right where I was before. Rouges house. I knocked on the door and Rouge came and opened the door." Shadow? What are you doing here? I thought you had already made up your mind about your situation." She said clearly confused.

"Yes but that was until I found out he was with that stupid pink hedgehog that's always around him." I growled.

Rouge looked surprised then had a sympathetic look. "Shadow come in." I came in and she continued to speak as we sat down on her couch." I know your hurting Shadow." She said still holding that sympathetic look. "And I don't want your pride to get in the way of letting out your emotions so come here." She said while opening her arms.

I looked at her then hesitantly went in for the hug. We both hugged each other and then I started breaking down. "Shhh it's alright Shadow." She said calmly trying to soothe me as she rubbed my back. "N-no it's not all right! It's all my fault I'm in this mess! It's all my fault I can't ever get with Sonic! Now he's with someone else!" I shouted letting everything out. Then Rouge pulled away and looked me dead in the eyes." Shadow! It may be bad right now but that doesn't mean there is no way to fix it! Nothing stays bad forever you just have to find the right solution. The solution in this case is just talking to him and telling him the truth. If you really love him then you would talk to him. Who knows you could maybe even end up getting together." She said that last part with a wink." Also... I didn't know you liked Sonic!!!" She said with stars in her eyes.

"Ooh yea hehe. Maybe that was the key thing I forgot to mention huh." I said rubbing the back of my neck."Ya think!" She said rolling her eyes." Well Rouge thank you again for all your help I'll be sure to talk to him tomorrow." I said getting up and walking towards the door." Anytime Shadow! Your always welcome. You have a good day now hun!" She said opening the door for me so I could walk out.

I sighed as I was a few feet away from Rouges house. Man am I lucky to have a best friend like her.

This Chapter was a little longer than I expected but oh well. Enjoy!

Lots of Love ❤
See ya!

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