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after the parents meet eachother

they finally agreed

Aliza parents don't even gave a crap tbh they see him as a nice guy because Aliza always mention him to them and by that they know he was a nice guy . That's enought to prove him that he was a trustworthy

They finally married

A few years later

"Sayang!tgk ni apa I buat <3" Aliza said
(translation : Love ! look what I did <3 )

"ye ?- Wahhh cantiknya kek nii ^^! sedap tak? nak try! kene try dulu baru tau yg kek ni sedap !! baru anak kita sukaa " Hazim said
( Translation : Ye?- Wowww this cake is so beautiful ^^! Is it delicious? I have to try if it's delicious !! and if it's delicious I am sure our son/daughter like/love itt )

" awak sebenarnya lapar je kan?.. " Aliza said
( Translation : you're just hungry right? " )

" alamak..terkantoii... " Hazim said
( Translation : Ohh no...I've been caught.. )

"hehe..Nah saye ade buat ^^ same jee sebab ade extra cream " Aliza said happily
( Translation : hehe..Here I made some ^^ It's the same because I had and extra cream )

" wahhh !! " Hazim said

he eat the cake and his reaction was so priceless because of how delicious it is

" sedaap nyee !!! Kalau ayang tolak abang dekat tangga pastu bagi kek ayang buat ni mesti abang nak lagi pastu suruh ayang tolak abang lagi kat tangga .. sebab sedaapp !!!! " Hazim said
( Translation : It's so deliciousss !!! If you push me down the stairs and give me this cake I am sure I want more and ask you to push me down the stairs again ... because it is sooo delicious !!!! )

" jangan nak mengarut lah awak ni kan " Aliza said
( Translation :  Don't joke around lah )

Hazim kiss Aliza on the forehead and then on the lips
Aliza kiss him on the cheek

they both supprise their Son and daughter

they live happily
They peoples seems to like Hazim and then ask him to be the goverment
Hazim said
"I had to declined the request because I know when I become a goverment I
became more busy then I am now ..I couldn't spend time with Aliza more
than I wanted <3"

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