Chapter Thirty

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I quickly turned my phone on, to see what it was all about, and I quickly saw all of the photos of Neymar and I kissing.

And then a notification from my mom popped up.


All the photos of Neymar and I kissing had been released. Online. On websites, social media. All of it. And people had started finding out who I was, and all sorts of things about me.

I should not have been so impulsive.

Honestly, I'm surprised the news had spread so quickly. I just left this gala, and all of my friends and family already know... Not to mention my mother.

I mean to be fair, Neymar and I were not exactly secretive about it, which really was a big mistake on my behalf. But I didn't know how fast news would spread, or really, how many people would care. Least of all the repercussions until, well... now. I had gotten atleast 20 messages from unknown numbers.

How would they even get my number?

The first one I saw took me by surprise. I quickly opened it, and it was a photo of Bruna and Neymar, with the caption, 'this is what you ruined.'

Ouch. People really have no shame...

But before I could scroll through and read the rest, I was reminded about my mothers message. I pressed on it.

'We have a lot to talk about Hayley'

What does that even mean? But, now the more I think about it, the more I realise how angry she is, and will be with me. She didn't know anything of what had happened, and I know her, I know what she will say.

Without thinking, I glanced at Ross, who seemed to be looking out of the window, intently. We hadn't talked much since our small fight about going to Paris. He was reluctant, though, I knew it couldn't be about going to Paris. He loved travelling, as did I. Besides, we both had never been. There was something else that was bugging me...

Was he angry with me? But how could he be angry with me? We were going to Paris after all.

I tried to signal Ross's attention, but he didn't respond. I figured we would talk about it soon, and it was a long flight...He was the only one who knew my mother as well as I did, and I didn't know what to say to her.

And so, I decided that I would respond to her, or deal with this, when we land in Paris. So I switched my phone off, and placed my head against the seat, closing my eyes...


I was in a deep sleep, when I felt a hand tug mine, and a familiar voice say, "Hayley, wake up. Have you seen?"

I opened my eyes slowly, before seeing Ross, with a panicked look on his face. He was pacing around, but I was so exhausted, that I could barely register it.

"Seen what" I said quietly, before closing my eyes again, and trying to fall back asleep. But when he tugged my arm again, I was reminded where I was. On a plane. Neymar's plane.

And speaking of Neymar, I hadn't seen him in a while.

"Where's Neymar?" I cut in, before Ross could answer my previous question.

Ross looked slightly disappointed after I asked that, but I shrugged his expression off. "He's sleeping. Anyways, you have to look at the photos. Your mother sent them to me, and so did your sister and random people from home. Who knew people cared that much about what you were doing?" He said sarcastically, and I felt happy to have a good-mooded Ross back.

"Ouch" I said jokingly, giving him a small smile. "I know about the photos. My mom messaged me. She is not happy"

"No, she most definitely is not" He said, pulling out his phone. I assumed he would show me the messages, but to be honest, I didn't have much interest in it. So I shook my head, hinting for him not to show me, and he nodded.

"Ross" I said grabbing his arm and in a more serious tone, "You really can't respond to her"

"Why?" He said, and I responded with a pleading expression. "That is real mature, Hayley" he said shrugging my arm off him, and sitting in the chair directly next to mine.

"No seriously. Ross. I am an adult, I can do what I want. Besides, I bet those messages from her are telling me to come home. Telling me that she and my father are disappointed in me, that she expected better... you know, all that sort of stuff" I paused for a second, taking in a gulp of air. Ross was listening intently, but he still had a weird expression on his face.

"And look- I should have told her sooner. I didn't though, and that was my decision. You know how she is, she wouldn't just let go of this thing with Zayn. And I am just starting to have fun again, with you, and with.. Neymar"

"Neymar.." he said, and rolled his eyes.

"Ok, Ross. What is that about? You have been acting weird all day"

His face looked surprised for a second. I waited for a response. For some sort of explanation. But instead, he turned the other way.

Guess he didn't want to talk about it.


I stood up, ignoring his actions and glanced around the plane. It was all empty seats, except for Ross and I, Neymar's dad, and.. Neymar, who I just spotted, fast asleep.

I walked up to him, glancing back at Ross, who was watching the window again. It was weird how he changed his emotions so quickly. One minute he is joking around, and the next...

I sat down in the seat next to Neymar, as quietly as I could and watched him sleep. He looked so peaceful, and his hair was so perfect. I just wanted to run my hands through it.

I placed my hand on his, which not to my intention- woke him up. He opened his eyes softly, and glanced at me, before shuffling over on his seat, making enough room for me.

I sat down next to him, and he placed his head on my shoulder, before falling back asleep.

Oh boy. He had no idea about the photos. And who knew about them.

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