Chapter Twenty Seven

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But he pulled his hand away from mine, and left me standing there, all by myself.


I watched as Neymar walked off. I have no idea where he is going, but I mean, he is Neymar so I'm sure he has millions of people he can talk to here. And as for Luis's unexpected kiss, I'm slightly pissed off and I wish I had said something. I never hinted at anything with Luis so it took me properly by surprise.

Neymar can't possibly think that I'm into Luis. He knows I am only looking in his direction, doesn't he?

If he doesn't then I have to tell him. But instead I walk over to the bar, possibly to gain some liquid courage for my conversation with Neymar.


I prop myself up on the stool, and the bar man walks over to me.

"Hiya, what can I get you?"

"Two shots of vodka, for me, and me" I said, lightly giggling at the funny part of this situation.

I'm at a gala for the first time, with a guy that I just met, who I really like. I'm the most dressed up I have ever been. And the guy I like won't even talk to me.

What is my life..

"Coming right up" he responded with a hint of an accent. An American one. Haven't heard that in a while... well I mean except for Ross and all.

"You're American?"

"Yes, I am. And you?"

"Can't you tell!" I said giving him a small smile and he smiled in response.

"So, what brings you to Brazil then?"

"A very long story has brought me here" I said, taking the shots off the table and quickly taking them back.

"I'm here all night, and from what I can tell, it's just us at this bar. Most of the people have the waiters bring them their drinks!"

"Didn't know that was an option! I have never been to a place like this before"

"Ok, well in that case, what brings you to a place like this?" He said pointing around the room playfully.

I didn't know this guy very well. But I already knew that we got along pretty well. I was still thinking of Neymar though. What was he doing now? Who was he talking to...

I quickly spoke snapping myself out of my thoughts, "I'm here with uh- Neymar"

He looked shocked for a second and then composed himself, "Neymar, as in Neymar Jr?"

"That's the one" I said sheepishly.

"Wow. That's a pretty big deal, especially around here. I didn't know he was coming tonight! But it makes sense he would bring you.... I mean look at you"

I blushed feverishly, "Oh- w-well, thank you" I said trying to hide my red face with my palms.

"How'd you meet him?" He asked, so I ended up sharing most of the story. Which I probably shouldn't have, you know; to a stranger. But I liked this guy, his humour reminded me of Ross and I knew he wasn't into me... because, well, he would probably be more into Ross.


I ended up staying talking to the guy for much longer than I had anticipated. We talked about everything, his name was Josh, we chatted about living in the States. He told me that he was from near where I was from, so we shared some memories of home. He also told me he was here for his boyfriend as well, except they were still going strong, unlike... well Zayn and I. I also realised, that I hadn't seen Neymar in a while, but then again, I hadn't turned around since I sat down.

Josh and I exchanged numbers, with the promise that he would hangout with Ross and I in the upcoming weeks. I knew Ross would be happy about the newest addition.

When I finally stood up to go freshen up, I saw Neymar, right in front of me, chatting with three or four girls. They were all laughing, and they were speaking in Portuguese. But he looked content. I was watching him talk with facial expressions, but he didn't see me.

All of the girls that surrounded him were gorgeous. And then I was reminded, if he could have absolutely every girl in any room, why would he want me? He probably didn't. And seeing him with all these other girls, made me realise that I was probably one of many.

And thinking about that, started to hurt my stomach, which it shouldn't. But it does.


I stood looking at him for a second too long, for the girls attention to turn to me. Which then meant shortly, Neymar turned his head to look at me. Which again, gave me butterflies.

I could tell I had a sad, sort of sick expression on my face. Since I was caught in my thoughts about him and lots of other girls. Which again, I shouldn't be thinking about. Way to self-sabotage. But I couldn't ignore it, especially when it was right in front of me.

"Hayley, are you okay?" He asked, and the girls had worried expressions on their faces.

The reason I was feeling sick was not only because of the thoughts of Neymar and other women. I realised it was because I had all of that alcohol on an empty stomach: but I wouldn't throw up in front of him again.

So I stood up straight, took a gulp, "Yes. I'm fine"

"Okay, sure", he turned his head back towards the girls who surrounded him. I could see them visibly giving him the eye, and flirting right in front of me. Which made me feel sort of awkward, so I turned to leave. But again- I felt his arm on my wrist.

"Excuse me" he said to them, pulling me towards the corner of the room. I walked past Josh who was still standing at the bar, and he gave me a wink.

"I have some questions for you" I said, as confidently as I could.


"Ok, well first" I said, taking a deep breath in, "you aren't angry at me? Or you are. Because about Luis, there is nothing going on. I really like you and-"

He cut me off by pressing his lips to mine and the butterflies came flooding back. Gosh he really had a habit of doing that. Before I got too carried away, I pulled my lips off his.

Don't know how I had the strength to muster that, I thought to myself, jokingly.

"Neymar- wait" I said, feeling my heavy breathing in my chest. "Just coming here tonight, and seeing you with those girls... well. I just- I"

"Hayley. Just say it"

"I don't understand why you would chose me, if you have a million girls looking your way"



Sorry this took so long! But here's chapter twenty seven. And thank you everyone so much for all the support, I hope you keep reading and enjoying the chapters.

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