Chapter Eight

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I said goodbye to Davi and gave him a big hug, which he returned. He kissed me on the cheek which made me giggle. I could see Neymar watching Davi and I, and he was laughing as well.

Neymar led me to his garage, as I walked through Neymar's garage, I glanced at all of his amazing fancy-looking expensive cars. He took me to one sitting in the corner, a blue Audi.

It was just him and I in the car, since he'd left Davi with his housekeeper. A calm silence filled the car, but it wasn't quite uncomfortable which was odd since we had just met last night. I glanced at him whilst he drove, he looked really hot. He glanced back at me, so I quickly turned my head away, towards the window, taking in the view of the Brazilian streets.

He took a breath in and sighed, "In two days, I go back to Paris" he said quickly.

"Oh" was all I could mumble out. I forgot he didn't live in Brazil. The last several hours have made me forget about what's going on around me. Everything seems to stop, or feel less important, when I am around him.

"Tonight" he paused. "Would you maybe want to join Davi and I for dinner? I just know he liked having you around this morning and-"

"Yes" I cut him off, "I would love too."

"Ok, great" he said.

The car filled up with silence.

"I would like to get to know you, Neymar. Last night was fun, even if well, Zayn last night at the bar" I paused

"What a dick" he said laughing which made me laugh.

As soon as we got to the bar, I thanked Neymar and gave him my number so he could contact me about tonight. I told him my work ended at around 3-330 and asked if it could be after that, and he agreed. I was excited, even if Davi would be there, it meant more time with Neymar. And time away from Neymar was already sort of glum. 

I got in my car and looked in the car mirror at my appearance. Surprisingly, I looked fine, my mascara from last night was slightly smudged, but nothing some makeup remover can't fix.

Soon, I touched up my makeup and drove to work, which was about a 20 minute drive. I arrived a couple minutes early and was about to grab my spare scrubs out of the boot when I heard my phone ring. I grabbed it out of my pocket to look at the Caller ID, which told me that it was my mother.

Shit. I remembered.

I hadn't told anyone about Zayn yet. I knew my mother wouldn't be happy, and she wouldn't hesitate to tell my dad, or my aunt, uncle, and the rest of the family. Soon my whole extended family would be aware of my shortcomings in my relationship with Zayn. Or at-least I knew they would say that it was me, I was the problem. No doubt in my mind, I would receive a big amount of blame and hate for it, even if I don't think I deserve it. They would say I was too immature and irresponsible moving to Brazil, that it was my fault.

If I knew one thing it would be that people love sticking their heads in places that it doesn't belong.

This made me realise I would have to keep it from them for as long as I could. I really just wasn't ready.

I answered the call and put my phone to my ear, "Mom? Hey" I said.

"Hey Hayls, how are you?" She asked perkily.

"Good, good. I'm doing well" I pause, I have to tell someone about Zayn, maybe I could just tell her and tell her not to run her mouth, but even then, she would. So I decide not yet. Perhaps after work. I continue,  "Just got to work, have to be with a patient in about 15. How are you?"

"Yeah I'm doing well. Your dad and I were thinking we would fly to Brazil soon, just to be with you. We miss you. I miss you. It's weird having you this far away" she said with a sad hint in her voice.

I felt bad. It was my fault. I was the one who agreed to move here for Zayn, for Zayn's flashy new job. It didn't matter anymore. I uprooted my whole goddamn life for him. Would I have to move home now? I sort of enjoyed my life in Brazil, but without Zayn it would be different. All of my friends, except the one who cheated with Zayn who is not even considered a friend, live in the States. I would be lonely here.

"Sorry mom. I have to go, talk to you later" I said swiftly and ended the call, heading into work.

As soon as I finished with my last patient I was absolutely exhausted. I decide that I will have to rent out an apartment, and get all of my stuff out of Zayn's. He can have that apartment, even if it is huge and even if I spent hours picking it out and designing it.

I found one quickly and texted the owner, who replied saying that I could move in tomorrow if that suited me, so tonight I would take as much of my stuff I could to a hotel.

Neymar had also let me know that the dinner would be at around 7 at his house, so I had more or less 4 hours. Soon, I drove to Zayn's to let him know what was happening.

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