Chapter Thirteen

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I woke up feeling a big body jump on me. I jumped up startled and opened my eyes to see the foreign hotel room surrounding me.

"HAYLEY!!! Get up" I hear the familiar sound of my best friends voice echoing in my ear.

I turned around to where my best friend jumped, to see him.

"ROSS!" I exclaimed whilst wrapping my arms around him in a tight hug.

After we hugged for a couple minutes, I pulled my arms off him, so we could talk and so I could freshen up, since I'd just woken up.

I hopped off the bed and scanned him. Ross was a good looking guy, he had a thick head of blonde hair, and dark brown eyes. His looks never failed to always make it tricky having him as my best friend as we grew up. Lots of girls were after him, and my parents always thought we would get together, so there was always a lot of pressure for us to. Despite that it never happened, probably because when we hung out, I never sensed that Ross ever felt that way about me, so I suppressed any feelings I had until they no longer existed, and now we were just best best friends.

"It is so good to see you. I missed you"

"I missed you to Hayl.... Just about this much" he said pinching his thumb and index finger close together, until they were nearly touching.

"Gee! Thanks Ross. So nice of you to say" I said sarcastically.

I smiled warmly, and he smiled back as I headed to the bathroom to wash my face. They had all these tiny little tubes, but none for face wash, and since I had only brought my toothbrush and some makeup, I didn't have my face wash. Guess just water will do!

"So.... What are we doing today? You have to show me around this amazing city"

"Well... funny story....." I said and my cheeks began to heat up thinking of Neymar. Thank god, I had warm water splashed on my face, otherwise, Ross would easily be able to tell. And that would create an uncomfortable conversation. And after last night with Bruna, not sure if I want anymore of those.

"I love funny stories, continue...." He butted in, and I laughed at him.

"Neymar called me last night—"

"Gosh! I totally forgot that you were friends with Neymar.... And the pictures of you walking out of that club" He winked at me.

"Ross. Please"

"Hayley, You know that around here in Brazil he is like royalty"

"I do know that... now"

I could tell he picked up on how I delivered that line, "So it seems there are multiple stories for me to hear, so shoot"

"Ok ok"


I told Ross all about how Neymar and I met, how we kissed, my night at his, the dinner with Bruna, and then finally the call last night.

"Hayley. Hayley. Hayley!!!! Oh my god. I can't believe your life and your luck to be honest. What are the chances that guy was Neymar?"

I nodded and smiled. I couldn't believe it either.

"I do think it was a bit weird about his girlfriend Bianca"

"Bruna" I corrected him.

"Right. Bruna. Well... I don't know" He paused for a second, thinking about what to say. "God you must have been so shocked to find out she was still his girlfriend"

"Uhhh. That is the understatement of the century" I said sarcastically, and he responded with laughter.

"But maybe they broke up and got back together"

"Yes.. well, that's what I thought would've happened, because at the club, when we met, he really seemed sincere when he was telling me about the breakup"

"Not sincere enough to not kiss you a couple hours after" He commented.

"Yeah.. But to be fair, I kissed him back, after what happened hours before with Zayn"

"So he's your... rebound?"

"That's what I thought.... But I don't know. It feels different. I've had rebounds before. It's not like that, I think."

Hearing myself say this made me realise how out of line I could be, he might not feel anything towards me. But he did invite me over to his house today... that may be reading into it too much though.

"Ok... and the friends thing was your idea"

"Yes" I said blankly.

"So you are friends... is this a good thing, do you think?"

"No... yeah.... I don't know" I paused, "It is definitely the best thing for him... you know, because of his girlfriend"

"We agree on that"

"What do you think about- the call, last night"

"I honestly don't know. It's a lot of mixed signals. Might have to meet the guy to see"

"Well he did invite me over today....but. I ended the call pretty soon after he told me um- he told me- that Bruna was in his hot tub. And it just reminded me-"

"Yeah. Hayley you don't have to explain it. I get it"

I pulled his hair playfully laughing. God, I missed this so much.

"By the way Ross, I thought I was getting you from the airport. How'd you even get in here?"

"Let's just say I have my ways" he said, winking at me and I laughed.


"I have to tell Neymar that you are here, and that I have to cancel. Hold on" I said exiting the room.

I found Neymar's number in my recent calls, and pressed the dial button. I couldn't even blame him for the honesty of Bruna being in the hot tub, I mean he did just tell me the truth. Doesn't matter if he thought it would hurt me, I mean... how would he know it would anyways?

He picked up on the third ring.


"Hey Neymar. Look about today. I can't um- come over; my best friend just flew in this morning from the States. So we were just going to walk around town"

"Oh. Hayley, that's fine. I was just planning on having a small get together with some friends tonight. I'd love for you to come... and you can bring your friend as well"

"That's so nice of you... can you hold on for a second whilst I check.."

"Yeah, yes. Of course"

I muted myself before going back into the room to ask Ross.

"He said that he is having a small party and that you and I can go, it's tonight at his house. Wanna go?"

"Yes! Let's do that"

"Ok, great let me go let him know"


I stepped outside of the room again, and unmuted the call.

"Ok yes, we will come. What time?"

"Come at 8"

"Okay. Thank you"

"No no of course, excited to see you again"

"You too. Bye Neymar"

"Goodbye Hayley. See you tonight"

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