Chapter 11 • Alone with you

Start from the beginning

The clothes consisted of a large purple hoodie that you swear you've seen him wear and grey sweats that were slightly too big.

As you climb into bed Neko follows you and rests by your hand prompting you to pet her.

Do you seriously have feelings for Scaramouche? Maybe you just like the attention he's giving you. Are you confusing platonic feelings with romantic feelings?

Whatever it was you couldn't act on it and risk ruining the friendship you've managed to create between you two.

Despite the thousands of thoughts racing through your head you managed to get some sleep. Not much but it was understandable considering the sleep you got with Scaramouche.

Speaking of Scaramouche, you wanted to see him.
The clock read 8:12 AM. He should be up by now. You stood up and Neko wasn't anywhere to be found.

Until you went into the hallway and see her walking through the crack of a door.

Scaramouche's room?

Despite what the little voices in your head were telling you, you followed her into the room. You were greeted by a tidy bedroom covered in posters of music groups, video games, and more. He had a bookshelf covered in stuff like manga, albums, and books.

Chainsaw Man? Wow... he really does have good taste.

The only thing missing was Scaramouche. But a moment later you were startled by him walking out what seems to be his bathroom.

He was dressed but his hair was still wet. In fact, he happened to be drying his hair with a towel as he walked out You lost your breath for a second and even let out a little peep. You were almost certain he didn't hear the last part.

When his eyes landed on you he let out a little laugh. "Let's go get something to eat, i'll find something for you to wear in a bit." But you just stood there, still in awe.

"That's your sign to get out y/n." He laughed.

"Right." You rushed out and straight into the guest room. You couldn't have been more embarrassed and you could feel your face burning.

As you and Scaramouche drove to the place he suggested you checked your messages. Being with Scaramouche was so nice you never felt the need to open them before. But once seeing all the notifications you got worried.

10+ messages from Yoi❣️

5 missed calls from Yoi❣️

3 messages from sayu😇

1 missed call from dad

Wuh oh. You started with Sayu's cause you knew it'd require less of a reply.


hi y/n, yoimiyas here
where r u?
dad said to call him

SAYU  HI i was out with a friend and slept over, i canr call rn but tell dad im ok

ok! hes not mad but yoimiya did seem a bit mad

Yoimiya came over? This was kind of an issue if she found out.

"Are you ok?" Scaramouche asked. "You're quiet and look worried. The face you're making looks dumb."

"Thanks Scara." You replied sarcastically. "I'm ok, I just forgot to tell my dad I was sleeping over." You explain. He replies with a hum and you get get back to your messages.


reply dummy
where r u
im coming over
im here
y/n where r u bruh
did you leave with scaramouche???
y/n stop ignoring me im worried
i dont trust him
y/n you didnt come home last night??
if you dont reply by tmr im reporting you as missing i stg

Shit. When did she get like this?

hihi, sorry i slept over at my friends and forgot to check my phone

were u at scaramouche's?


y/n yk hes dangerous right?
hes gotten into a ton of fights
even with girls bro
are you still with him
gtfo of there y/n

yoimiya why tf r u acting like this

im just worried for you y/n

hes not dangerous, chill out

Seriously, why was she being like this? You couldn't reply anymore. You put your phone in a cup holder and could hear the buzzing of a text every five seconds.

You ended up just shutting your phone off. Scaramouche was curious but he saw how angry you got so he didn't say anything.

All those negative thoughts were forgotten about as soon as Scaramouche put the car into park.

As the two of you walked into a small building you and Scaramouche walked shoulder to shoulder again. But then your fingers touched. And then again.

Would holding his hand make this weird?

You decided to reach for his hand but as you did he happened to use that exact hand to open the door.


You entered into a cute teahouse. It wasn't like the bakery you went to before. It was cozier, and less crowded. In fact, besides the worker there were only two people there.

"Scaramouche!" The worker greeted him. So he's a regular here? You looked at where the voice came from, Thoma from school?

Thoma was in Yoimiya's group but only seemed close with Ayaka and Ayato. From what you've overheard, he's a childhood friend of theirs and is actually pretty popular with girls. You've never spoken with him but you're surprised Scaramouche has.

"Scaramouche who's this?" He asked.

"Doesn't matter. Can we order?" You cant tell if they're friends or not.

"Alright! Regular for Scaramouche, what would you like?" He asks you. Regular?

"Oh, i'll take what Scaramouche got. And a croissant  please!" You were too busy in your thoughts to look at the menu but the croissant in the display case looked nice. Plus you trusted Scaramouche's taste.

"Coming right up! Wait, you're friends with Yoimiya right?" He points out, reminding you of what happened between the two of you.

"Uh yeah."

Scaramouche pays and grabs your wrist taking you to the nearest two person table. He sat across from you and got on his phone while the two of you waited for Thoma to come with the drinks.

As soon as the brought the items the silence between the two of you immediately left.

HIHI!! i wrote this chapter on a plane🤭 ANYWAYS TY FOR THE READS🙏 i have a lot of ideas for this series so idk when im gonna start the new story i was talking about😭 also apologizes for the embarrassing y/n moments🤭🤭

Can you leave me alone now? • Scaramouche X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now