Part 16

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Everyone knew Jimmy and Jamie were dating. It wasn't hard to hide. Skittles spent his time going around the entire locker room making jokes about the newly-reformed couple and trying to set up Bosa and Jimmy's cousin Abby, now the first female NFL commissioner, much to Jimmy's dismay. Jamie had the chance to tell the news to Abby and Tasha since the Bears were coming to Levi's, and get to see Tasha and Justin again. The entire locker room had this "buzz" to it, everyone wanted to see the happy couple in action, leading Kyle to be upset at how many players claimed they were "injured" or "sore" or "just need a massage" while also fighting over who got to drag Jimmy to Jamie's office.

Jamie liked that the team had something to distract themselves, especially since that the season was progressing and each win/loss started to now hold more weight than the game before. Jamie knew from personal experience how this kind of pressure can affect a person, she saw it in her brothers, Jimmy, and both the Patriots and Niners. Jamie tried to keep the spirits of the team up, each day she put some kind of message on the white board outside her office and made sure to have various snacks and drinks for the players, staff, and coaches to take at any time. She knew every single person in the facility handled this type of stress differently, so made sure to try her best to accommodate each person's way of how they handled this type of stress.

Skittles loved to just lay on either one of the beds in Jamie's office space or the floor right by her desk in that area of her space. Boss loved to steal the fruit snacks and Gatorade for himself and Skittles, while trying his best to make it inconspicuous, each time Jamie would catch him and say that she has that out for a reason and that he can take as much as he'd like.

"Even stuff for Skittles?"

"Well George is more than capable from getting up from the floor by my desk and grabbing it himself, but yes."

"Bosa! Grab me a yellow Gatorade will you?"

"Skittles what is your obsession with yellow anyways?" Bosa asked, prompting Skittles to get up from the floor like a rocket and run over.

"Yellow is the best flavor in the fucking world dawg. That's why."

"I mean, it's okay I-"

"OKAY?! Woah there Nicholas whatever your middle name is Bosa. Yellow is THE BEST- no other flavor compares."

"Nick, if you had to pick a flavor, without ANY judgement," Jamie said glaring over at Skittles, "what would it be?"

"I don't have a favorite necessarily, but I pick blue." Bosa said, handing Skittles his yellow Gatorade before grabbing one of his own and smiling at Jamie before leaving.

"I totally see him as a blue Gatorade guy. What about you, J-dawg?"

"I like red," Jamie replied, grabbing a red can for herself before going back to her desk, answering a phone call from Kyle about any possible updates from the IR list.


Today's practice was shorter than normal pre-game ones, as the team ended up spending more time focusing on film study and recovery, which meant Jamie's office was full to no end and also louder than normal- film was up on a tv and everyone was crowding around it, with a white board, and everyone was collaborating on notes.

Jamie shut herself in the separate room which contained her desk and tried to focus on work and not the noise, when she heard the door open and close before firm, tender, soft, strong hands pressed against her shoulders and started rubbing them.

"Hi." Jimmy said before planting a kiss on the top of Jamie's head, who was still trying to finish an email.

"Do you want me to come back when you're no longer busy?"

"No! I just have this one last sentence to write then I'll be all yours... Done!" Jamie said before closing her laptop and looking up to see Jimmy still standing behind her, his shoulders still massaging her shoulders, "Hi."


"How was practice?"

"Same as yesterday. How was work?"

"Same as yesterday." Jamie said before both started giggling and Jamie got up from her chair to give Jimmy a hug.

"Wanna get out of here and do something?"

"What do you have in mind?"

"You know what I had in mind." Jimmy replied while winking.

"Criminal Minds and pizza?"

"Then other things," Jimmy said, beaming ear to ear while playing with Jamie's hair, "But obviously those two things first." Jimmy then knelt down and unplugged Jamie's laptop, putting it in her bag before swinging it over his shoulder along with his bag, before escorting Jamie to his car and driving her back to his apartment, where, she essentially lived with him after the whole "Alex" incident. Though they were across the hall, Jamie felt more comfortable and safe.

Jamie always had to re-explain the whole Criminal Minds "lore" and plot, even though they watched a few episodes every night. Jimmy knew what was going on, he just liked to listen to Jamie explain everything because of how excited she got when he asked her what was going on. Seeing Jamie getting that excited was something that made his heart leap every time. He missed seeing her giggle and watching her face light up when she got to talk about and rant over something she was passionate about (that wasn't her job or sports).

Still holding onto his grandmother's ring, waiting for the perfect time. Knowing it was coming soon, as after all, love doing give second chances.

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