Part 13

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Jimmy's plane had just landed. He was supposed to arrive at Levi's in just under an hour. Jamie locked herself in her office, posting a sign outside her room's door saying that she was in a meeting and would be out as soon as she could, directing all injury needs to Tasha. Skittles and Kyle both knew that Jamie didn't have any meetings scheduled, but all Skittles told Kyle was that something came up and she needed to resolve it, that Jimmy could see Tasha in her room since she was free. 

That didn't happen. 

Somehow, no one know why or how, Jimmy and Skittles ended up in Jamie's room for an examination after seeing the team doctor. Somehow, Jamie was talking to them. Somehow, all Jamie could notice was Jimmy's hair and how it was no longer as fluffy as it was back in Foxborough and the tiny hints of gray starting to pop through at the roots. Somehow, all Jimmy could notice was how Jamie's hair looked a little more brown than blonde a few minutes ago, now it looks like gold. All Skittles could notice was that the two were staring at each other with such intensity it could form diamonds. 

"Okay Jimmy G we gotta get going, don't want you to be late on your first day of practice."

"Oh shit yeah you're right. It was nice to see you Jamie, are you gonna stick around for my first press conference?" 

"Would you like me to?"

"Yeah it would be nice to have someone I know in the crowd besides my family." 

"I'll be there," Jamie responded with a smile before looking down to see a text from Skittles: 

"Since when are you two friends? I thought the breakup was super bad."

Jamie walked back to her desk responding:

"It was. Super bad. But we've been talking and have been mending things? I don't know how to phrase it but we're working on it." 

Jamie put her phone down and opened her computer to see an email invitation from her boyfriend to a dinner, with the headline saying, "I'm sorry for being an ass. Dinner?" Jamie said yes to the invitation and immediately got a phone call from Alex. The two talked for a while before Jamie had to step out to watch practice and mentally prepare herself for Jimmy's press conference and seeing Jimmy's family again.


"Jamie!!" Denise called out before pulling Jamie into a hug, "we've missed you!" 

"Aww hey everyone! I've missed you all two!"

"I'm sorry you and Jimmy couldn't make long distance work, maybe since you both are with the Niners it could work out?"

Jamie didn't have the heart to tell Denise that she had a new boyfriend and that she and Jimmy were just friends and nothing more, so she just responded, "maybe." before looking at the the table where Kyle was already seated, everyone was now just waiting for Jimmy.  

Jimmy walked out in a dark grey suit with a black dress shirt underneath, making Jamie forget how good he looked in suits. His hair was ruffled from helmet hair and his cologne was just the perfect amounts of sweet and masculine- enough to make any girl want to take him home. His conference started off with a trademark Jimmy Garoppolo laugh, the one that starts a ripple effect that ends in the entire room giggling and laughing. All Jamie could think of was wanting to help him with his shoulder stretches later that evening. Jamie knew that straining an AC joint can be a bitch if not stretched properly, and part of her wanted to go home with him, but she knew she couldn't, what would Alex think? 

Jimmy's eyes and thoughts went immediately to Jamie. The way she was standing with his mother and brothers reignited his hope that they could get his second chance. Kyle glanced over at his new quarterback to see him staring at his head athletic trainer and athletic coordinator, making him realize that they two have history-major history. Kyle gently tapped Jimmy's foot with his own to let him know their press conference has started, and Jimmy's mind wandered back to his other love besides Jamie- football. 


Jamie left right after the conference had ended, letting Denise know she had some personal business to attend to and to let Jimmy know. She got in her car and drove to Opa! Santa Clara to meet Alex. Since he had gotten off work earlier he was already at their table, getting up to greet Jamie with a kiss on her cheek. 

"I didn't realize you had to work so late."

"Sorry, meetings confirming our reservations in Seattle in a couple weeks ran late and I had last-minute appointments with our new qb and Deebo." 

"Mhm okay. You didn't fuck that new qb? Damn, normally you would hop right on that." Alex murmured, sipping his water.

Jamie shook off Alex's passive comment, he made them so often that she was used to it by now, "how was your day?"

"It was good, Mary and I had a lot of free time today since it was basically empty." 

Mary was Alex's co-worker who Jamie knew he was cheating on her with, but didn't have the heart to say something to his face and confront him, despite Skittle, Claire, Abby, and Tasha's pleading. Jamie asked if he ordered anything yet and he said he did, as he didn't realize if she wanted anything or if she was even going to show up. Jamie said that she texted him and confirmed that he was going to come, and Alex replied that she didn't. Jamie responded if he even wanted her there, and when he didn't respond, she got up and left, telling him, "go back to your apartment and fuck Mary. Also, we both know I'm not the cheater in this relationship- you are. I'm done."


Jamie finally reached her apartment and noticed that the unit across the hall was no longer quiet- Mr. Jones finally moved. Jamie wiped the tears from her face and started to unlock her door when she heard an all too well phrase behind her: 

"Principessa? Why are you crying?" 

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