Part 10

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Jimmy walked into Gillette with a new sense of faith- though he and Jamie  had a hiccup, that they would overcome it and work it out, boy was he wrong. 


"Okay Gronk this is the stretch we're gonna do today all right?" 

"Yeah yeah don't need to explain it, I already know what to do."

"Okay Robert fine." Jamie commented, "you're doing it wrong."

"What, no I didn't!"

"Yes you did! Here, just let me show you." Jamie sat down next to Gronk and showed him the proper way that he should do the stretch, before both started laughing. Gronk grabbed her hand and said, "Thank you Jamie. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have thought I would ever be able to play again. Thank you." 

"I'm just doing my job Gronk, no need to thank me." 

Gronk looked at Jamie with a face plastered with relief, letting her knew that he was forever indebted to her. Jamie responded by shooting him a smile, letting him know that everyone always needs someone in their corner and that she will always be there for him. 

Jimmy went out to Jamie's office before going to a team workout to see her and Gronk continuing to work on his PT stretches. They were laughing, and Gronk grabbed Jamie's hand. He looked at her the way Jimmy looked at Jamie, and she looked at him the same.

"Please don't be in love with someone else, please tell me I'm your only one- that I'm all you need." Jimmy thought as he walked away towards the gym.


Everyone could tell something was off with Jimmy. Brady had been the only one to see if he was okay, but Jimmy brushed him off, claiming that some family business was going on and that he wasn't in the mood to talk about it, so everyone let him know he had their support and left him alone. All Jimmy could think about was Jamie and Gronk in the locker room, did he actually see that? The time it took him to finish his workout, light throwing practice, and to change out, Jamie had already gone home. He needed to clear his head- so he went for a drink.



"What's up?"

"What the fuck was that?"

"I'm sorry?"

"You know what I'm talking about."

"Clearly I don't.'

"You and Gronk."

"Okay? What about it."

"Are you two.."

"What the hell? No! What on Earth makes you think that?!"

"I saw you two in your office."

"You saw me help Gronk with knee stretches?"

"I saw you look and hold his hand."

"He was saying thank you! Are you jealous or something?"

Jimmy went quiet. 

"Wow. I can't believe that. You accuse me of cheating because a friend held my hand and said thank you?"

"Did he tell you to take the offer?"


"Did you say you weren't going to take it?"

"I couldn't see Bill at all today, but I made an appointment for tomorrow."

"Fucks sake Jamie."

"What? He was busy James. I'll see him tomorrow and tell him." Jamie went to try and grab Jimmy's hand but he brushed it away, "are- are you drunk?"

A Second ChanceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon