Part 4

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Both Jimmy and Jamie seemed to be walking on clouds. Everyone was confused by the pair, but decided not to push anything, as most already inferenced that they had finally gotten together.  

It only took them two weeks, fucking finally. 

Jamie was in her office taping Edelman's thumb when Gronk and Brady rushed in, "Jamie Watt when were you going to tell us you had surgery!?"

"Oh relax, I was skating last night and a screw in my knee came loose. I'm fine." 

"Does your family know?" Gronk questioned further. 

"Yes they do, and they know I'm okay." 

"Gronk let's drop it, I told you she's fine." Brady said, trying to pull Gronk out of Jamie's office. 

"Wait!" Gronk yelled, freeing himself from Brady's grasp and slamming the door shut before asking, "You and Jimmy G?" 


"OH MY GOD!! You two fucked!" Brady yelled. 

"Jesus Tom, say it a little louder won't ya? I don't think the International Space Station heard you." Jamie scoffed, trying to keep her face from turning red. 

"It's true I-" Brady started but was interrupted by a glare from Gronk, "we knew it. So you two are dating now huh?" 

"Thank you. It's obvious that they're dating Tom. And besides we already cornered Jimmy in the locker room" Gronk said, opening the door again to see Jimmy walking up. Turning around, Gronk had a huge smile plastered on his face before saying, "Jimmy G!! Welcome to Jamie's humble abode! But you've already made yourself known to that huh?" with the same grin. 

"Jesus Rob- let the kids be." Edelman scoffed, "the three of us have one question: you two are using protection right?" 

"OKAY- Julian your thumb is taped. Doesn't practice start soon? I think you all need to head out there before Belichick makes you run." 

"Head out there?" 

"Robert Gronkowksi I swear to God I will take this stabilizer off my knee and beat the shit out of you with it. Now leave my office." 

"And she's back. Just wanna make sure you're safe Baby Watt." 

"Thank you for your concern but you three can leave now." Jamie said, with a sarcastic smile on her blood-red face. 

"Okay guys let's leave and give the love birds some space." Brady said, winking at Jamie, who was focused on taping Jimmy's ankle, while Jimmy turned red and waved before saying he would be out there in a second. Gronk nodded and the three left, closing Jamie's door and giving the couple some space. 

"I'm going to murder them." Jamie said through clenched teeth. 

"I think that was actually sweet that they care so much." Jimmy said, using a hand to move some hair from Jamie's face before pulling her in for a kiss. 

"Okay so I'm pissed at you now too. Your ankle's good." Jamie said, putting the tape away. 

"Ehi amore mi dispiace. Non volevo farti arrabbiare, ti prego perdonami." Jimmy said, pulling Jamie into a hug and in between kisses. 

"Oh so you're trying to apologize in Italian I see. Well, two can play that game. Is mór agam é ach beidh  mé ag marú na triúr sin sa diereadh." Jamie responded, reciprocating Jimmy's kiss. 

"What was that?"

"Irish." Jamie said with a smile. 

"You speak Irish? And just when I thought you couldn't get any hotter." Jimmy responded, as the two started laughing. 

The pair held the hug for a few extra minutes before Jimmy had to leave for practice. Planting a kiss on his girlfriend's lips before leaving of course. Jamie then went to the storage closet with Alyssa and the two spent the next few hours decorating their offices for Christmas before watching the rest of practice outside. Alyssa then taught Jamie how she uses KT tape on someone's back before letting her practice. With just a few minutes left in practice, Jamie went and grabbed a speaker from the closet and hooked it up in her office, getting ready to queue up her Christmas playlist. 

The first to walk in Jamie's office after practice was Gronk- shortly followed by Brady and Edelman. All three then, at the same time, started rapidly apologizing for what happened a few hours earlier. 

"Look guys- I said this once and I'll probably say it another 500 times. It's okay. I understand you all are looking out for me. We're family, and you want me to be safe. And I appreciate that so fucking much. It's honestly weird that your reaction was more severe than the Three Stooges, but I'm getting off track. Thank you. Thank you for looking out for me. Just next time, please don't yell it across the stadium or for God's sake- don't corner my boyfriend in the locker room and interrogate him. Deal?"

"Deal." all three said in unison. 

Brady and Edelman then grabbed the massage guns and sat down on one of the beds while Gronk took Jamie's phone and started playing All I Want For Christmas Is You on full blast and started his own karaoke party. (No one knew how he knew Jamie's password, but if she had to guess, J.J. told her.) Gronk's singing was so awful that Jamie took out her iPad and started recording, which only fueled the fire in Gronk, making him "sing" even louder. Poor Belichick had the displeasure of walking by Jamie's office just then, and without hesitation, said, "If you played football as bad as you sing, Jesus Rob, I'm wondering how the actual hell you're a professional," before walking back to his office, the sound of laughter and Gronk singing, "I love you coachh!!" permeated the hall. 

"What did I walk in on?" Jimmy said, trying to rush past Gronk's continued performance before being pulled in himself, with Brady and Edelman joining in shortly after. The four continued to sing as Jamie managed to sneak past them and walk back to the storage closet in search for an extension cord. 

"How's the knee?" Belichick asked, making Jamie jump. 

"It's good, a little sore, but that's expected." 

"That's great to hear kid. Glad you're alright. I just wanted to say, it seems the guys like you- really like you. I'll talk to legal to see if this can become a permanent position, if that's okay with you."

"I would love that, thank you so much sir- I mean, Belichick. Thank you." Jamie said while hugging Belichick.

"Of course kid. Now get back to your boyfriend." Belichick responded, accepting the hug. 

"How did you-"

"Jamie, I'm the coach. I get paid to notice things. And besides, Gronk and Brady wouldn't shut up about how you two are gonna get married one day." Belichick responded, shooting Jamie a wink before walking off. 

"They're dead- they're so fucking dead." 

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