Part 1

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[November 1, 2014] 

"I got the internship!!" Jamie yelled over facetime. 

"J we're so proud of you!" her brothers said, while her parents started jumping up and down. 

"Look at little Jamie Watt go, next up-and-coming athletic trainer in the NFL!" 

"When is your first day?" her mother asked. 

"The third. I gotta talk to my professors and advisor to see how that can translate into credits and stuff, but if I remember correctly, it would help me graduate early." 

"Well J.J. plays in Foxborough on the 15th, maybe you'll see him?" 

"Mom she doesn't want to spend time with me, she's gonna be working with Tom Brady and Bill Belichick." J.J scoffed. 

"True." Jamie said, making her siblings laugh and her mother frown. 

"You'll have to take me on a tour of Stonehill, maybe let me sit in on a class or two." 

"Then maybe you'll finally learn to not get injured all the damn time." Jamie responded, making T.J. and Derek erupt with laughter, like two hyenas. 

"See that Connie- I told you she'd be fine," Jamie heard her dad say over the phone, "If she can respond like that I'm not worried about her being taken advantage of by some stupid NFL player. Speaking of, Jamie, you need to make sure no one breaks your heart, you hear me?"

"I hear you Dad, and I promise. No one will take advantage of me. Besides, all I gotta do is call the Three Stooges here and they'll take care of it." Jamie said, before hopping off the call to prepare for school before her internship. 


"Jamie! Congrats!" yelled Jamie's advisor and health science teacher Mr. Jones. 

"Thank you!!" 

"Are you nervous kiddo?"

"Yeah- I mean, I know it's a paid internship and it only lasts a year, but what if I don't do well?"

"Jamie, I recommended you for that internship because I know you will do well. You are one of the brightest students in the program, and everyone knows it. Besides, this is perfect for you. I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if you got in on your football knowledge alone. You got this kid." Mr. Jones said, pulling Jamie into a hug. 

"Thank you. How does this transfer into credits again? My mom wanted to know."

"Heh yes, I just received an email from her. This adds up to one year of credits, allowing you to be able to graduate a year early. As long as you stay on top of your other classes, of course. But knowing you, that won't be an issue. I talked to Belichick, and I think depending on how you do, you might get a permanent job from this too, so no pressure." 

"Ha thanks Mr. Jones."

"Get back to your dorm and get ready for your big day tomorrow kiddo. Can't wait to hear all about it." 


Jamie pulled into a parking spot in Gillette Stadium, to be met with her new boss- Alyssa Monroe. After being given a brief overview and tour of the stadium, Jamie was left to meet Belichick and Brady. 

"Ah, Ms. Watt. Congratulations again." 

 "Thank you sirs, thank you for the opportunity." 

"Woah there kid, you don't need to call us 'sir'. Brady for me will do and Coach for Belichick, right?" Brady's statement was confirmed with a nod. "Did you get a tour?" 

"Yes sir- I mean, Brady." Jamie corrected, making Brady smile, "let me show you your office."

"So you're J.J. and Derek's little sister right?" Brady said, leading Jamie down the hall. 

"Yep, and T.J.'s twin." 

"T.J. he's gonna kick ass when he gets drafted. Even though he's a sophomore. Wait, you're a sophomore too?"

"Turned 20 a week ago." 

"Damn. You're young. Ah, here we are. The field is just around the corner to the right, you'll be up there in about 40 minutes when we start practice."

"Thank you. I share this office right?"

"Nope. This one is yours. Alyssa's is just next door, she's amazing and she already loves you. And Jamie, one more thing. Never be afraid to ask anyone for help, we are all one big family here." Brady said with a smile, before shaking Jamie's hand one last time and letting her get the feel for her new office.

"This is gonna be one hell of a year." Jamie said, before grabbing her bag and filling it with what she would need for practice, before hearing a knock on the door. 

"Hello?" a voice called, entering the room.

"Hi!" Jamie said spinning around, "how can I help you?"

"Alyssa isn't in her office and I needed to roll out. Do you mind?"

"No not at all." Jamie said, letting the man walk past her to the foam rollers. She couldn't help but notice his eyes, a beautiful color of hazel, mixed with the perfect amount of green and brown. Through his pads, she could see his tan skin standing out from the white underneath. If she had to guess, he was Italian. His voice was soft spoken, and had a hint of innocence to it- something Jamie never thought a NFL player would have. She mainly got lost in his smile and eyes. Oh damn those eyes. 

"I'm Jimmy Garoppolo." the man said, extending his hand, "And you are?"

"Jamie Watt. It's nice to meet you Jimmy." 

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