Chapter Twenty Two

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The months continued with ease. Peter and Kat spent the majority of their time together, trying to mend what was lost. You could say it was successful on both ends, but Peter was always pushing for more. He wanted to be more, and he wanted Kat to know that.

As for Steve, he was a different story. Kat had tried to mend their relationship but had let her ego get the best of her. She hoped she would be able to fix it, but the time just hadn't come for them.

Today was one of the few days that Peter and Kat weren't spending time together. Peter had a school field trip he was going to, and Steve was out of the home getting groceries.

Kat sat on their couch, feet propped up on the armrest and a book in her lap. She had taken up reading as a hobby after Peter had recommended her some books, and honestly, she couldn't have been more thankful. It was exactly what she needed to get her mind off of life.

The screams of New Yorkers were the only thing that pulled Kat's mind off the book. She placed it down with a huff, drawing the blinds to get a look at what was happening.

Outside was terror. People were running away from something, screaming and grabbing the hands of their children. Many were injured, some dead. It was chaos.

Kat slipped her shoes on quickly, rushing out of the home. Gusts of wind held her back from moving forward, and people were constantly running into her.

But that didn't stop her from seeing the flying circle in the sky. It was easily a hundred feet long and stretched across the sky. What worried her is that it was coming straight into the city of New York.

A flying figure flew past her, straight into her line of view. Peter.

"Spider-Man! Spider-Man, down here!" Kat tried to call him down, beckoning him to the scene. "Couldn't escape me for even one day, huh?"

"Shut up Kat, nobody asked for your opinion." Peter swung over to Tony, who he considered his mentor, and caught a car getting thrown at him. "Hey, man. What's up, Mr. Stark?"

"Kid, where'd you come from?"

"A field trip to MoMa." A man, if Kat could even call it that, threw Peter to the side, the boy screaming at the sudden impeccable speed he was traveling at.

"I got you, Parker." Kat was able to catch the web-slinging spider before he hit the ground. Peter looked up at her with amazement at how she had managed to pull off such a move. The moment was almost instantly ruined by Kat when she tossed him back onto the ground.

"Um, what is this guy's problem, Mr. Stark." Peter turned his attention back to Tony without another word to Kat.

"Uh, he's from space. He came here to steal a necklace from a wizard." Kat exchanged a confused glance with Peter. What wizard?

Peter readies a bundle of webs, shooting them off into the distance. Kat is running at his feet, seeing if there were any way she could help out. This wasn't the type of threat you could fight without superpowers she supposed, but it was worth a shot.

When Peter grips a web onto a flying car, he is sent flying backward. Tony takes the car in the hands of his suit, holding it in place until he can put it down safely. Kat saw a guy with gray skin, who she loved to refer to as Squidward. He picked up a pile of bricks, throwing it at the bunch, only for the wizard to step forward and teleport it away.

The angry squid opened a fire hydrant spraying a powerful blast at the wizard who leaped onto him, both flying off into the air.

"That is so cool." Kat gawked instead of helping out with her quarrel. She blocked a pile of bricks from running into Tony, who gave her a side-eyed look.

"I should call Ross on you, you know."

Kat shrugged. She knew it would only have been a matter of time before she was locked up, but in her spare time out in the wild, she had accumulated a diverse escape plan. "You won't, though."

"Not when the stakes are like this, no." Tony turned his attention back to Peter. "Kid, that's the wizard. Get on it."

"On it." In an instant, Peter grabbed Kat into his arms, holding her close to his chest as he swung. God, she was beautiful. He swung a web down, latching onto the wizard. "Got him."

A beam flew from the sky, threatening to pick up the wizard. Peter tried to pull him back down to Earth with the help of a lampost but to no use.

Trying to hold onto Kat's body while keeping in touch with the ground hadn't worked. Peter was picked up from his feet, flying into the air. "Uh, Mr. Stark, we're being beamed up."

"Hang on, kids." Tony beamed up into the air, catching up with the two of them. Peter was clinging to the side of the ship, keeping Kat close to him so she didn't fall to her death. "Pete, you gotta let go. I'm gonna catch you."

"But you said save the wizard!"

"Yeah, why am I chasing a wizard again?" Kat spoke up, holding onto Peter for dear life. God damn, they were close.

"We're too high up you're running out of air."

"That makes sense." Peter tried to breathe, but he was struggling a lot. He wondered how Kat was even managing to breathe in this atmosphere without a spider bite or suit.

A flying object was sent onto Peter just as he let go. It attached to his body in seconds, and he was back on his feet, holding a now unconscious teenager. "Mr. Stark, it smells like a new car in here."

"Happy trails, kid. Friday, send them home." Suddenly a parachute ejected from Peter's body, wrapping around Kat and him. They were sent towards the ground, though Peter clung to the edge of the ship.

He looked between a narrowly closing door to the ship and Kat. Maybe he was selfish by not getting her help, but he couldn't just leave Mr. Stark in there. He would surely die, and it would be on his conscious.

"I'm sorry," Peter spoke, brushing his hand through her curly red hair. He truly was, he didn't want her to die from lack of oxygen on his part. But the chances of her surviving on her own were greater than Tony's.

He had to try to save him. To save the world.

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