Chapter Thirteen

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"You think he's smart enough to find the earpiece?" Kat sat down beside Yelena, pulling a headset over her ears. Natasha was sitting in the back of the helicopter, looking out a window.

"I believe he is dumb enough to play with the toy. He could admire himself enough to think the piece of plastic was a god, hell would I know." Yelena looked at a map of the Russian prison, scoffing. "This will be fun."

At the sound of a male voice, Natasha perked up in her seat. "Today is your lucky day, Alexei. Move to the door on the south wall."

Kat listened in through her earpiece, squinting her eyes at the snow-covered oasis. "Go left. Just don't make a scene." She heard distant Russian yelling in the background, sighing. "You made a scene, didn't you?"

Yelena flew the helicopter downwards, trying to get a good view of Alexei. "It wouldn't surprise me."

"What now?" Alexei's breathing was rushed. He was panting as he ran outside, staring up at the helicopter above him.

"We're gettin' you outta here. Go to the upper level." Guards fired at Alexei and the helicopter from every direction. Their chances were lowering every second he took. "Move your ass super soldier."

Yelena looked from her side window to Natasha to Kat. "He's never going to make it."

Kat groaned, unbuttoning the seatbelt Natasha had made her wear. "Get me closer."

Natasha and Yelena gave her skeptical looks, unsure of the decision. "You got a better idea?"

Kat ripped off her headset, standing tall as she slid the helicopter doors open. "Remind me again who decided to buy these matching onesies?"

She took a running start, grabbing onto a rope attached to the outside of the helicopter. She swung down, landing in a position she had observed Natasha use for many, many years. She gagged, standing up. "Disgusting."

She kicked one of the guards in the face, flipping another over onto his back. The helicopter fell low, nearly slamming into her, had she not ducked to the ground in time. "Seriously?"

"Whoo," Yelena yelled, getting a disapproving glare from Natasha. "Sorry."

The helicopter came closer and closer to her as Kat tried to fight. "What are you doing? Back up."

Yelena stuck a thumb in the air, smiling. "We're both doing a really good job." Bullets started to fire through the walls of the helicopter, one almost lodging into Natasha's skull as she came to swap positions with Yelena. "Okay, enough is enough."

She reached under a seat, grabbed a machine gun, and fired it toward one of the towers. The tower blew up, and Yelena let out a relieved "Ha!" Returning to her seat, she noticed the snow begin to plummet down the mountain, causing what appeared to be an avalanche.

"Tell me that's a good sign for us!" Alexei yelled up at Kat, who stood on the bridge above taking in the scene.

"Move your ass!"

Alexei ran forward, kicking off a guard's shield to get a boost into the air. He jumped onto the bridge below Kat, who took off swinging in the air with the use of the rope attached to the helicopter.

"Hold on, bastard." Kat reached down, catching his hand in hers. She held onto the rope with all her might, trying to manage her weight as well as that of the super soldier below her.

"Yelena, Natasha, can you get us up there?"

"On it, boss." Natasha took her seat next to Yelena, helping her to get the two into the air as well as maintain the helicopter movement without being shot at.

Insane in my Russian Brain - P. ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now