Chapter Nine

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By the time Kat had gotten the two grown men untangled from Peter's webs, Steve had found their ride out of the airport.

"Come on!" He yelled across the flames, continuing to run as they joined the rest of their team.

They had been so close. They had almost been there. But, of course, nothing was in their favor. Vision, swooping in almost out of nowhere, allowed a yellow beam to fly out of the stone in his head, drawing a thick line between them and the plane.

Coming to a stop in front of him, Steve looked up. "Captain Rogers," Vision greeted. "I know you believe what you're doing is right. But for the collective good, you must surrender now." Vision touched down next to the rest of his team, who had just arrived on the scene.

"What do we do, Rogers?" Kat asked, clenching her teeth together as she felt the burning gaze Peter held onto her skull.

"We fight." Steve began to make his way forward.

Watching his every step, Natasha turned her head to the side. "This is gonna end well."

Each team began to make their way forward in a walk, Steve's being the first to pick up the pace. Looking over at the redhead woman next to him, Peter let out a panicked hiccup. "They're not stopping."

Bursting into the air with the help of his thrusters, Tony let a grunt. "Neither are we."

All at once, they started to fight each other. As Steve went for a blow on Tony, Kat made it her mission to help out the team with small battles.

Peter held onto the same thought. Even if he could go hand-to-hand with the others who weren't fighting, he didn't want to. That hadn't been his mission; to hurt people, he would never have wanted to do that. All he wanted to do was become Spider-Man, because that's what he loved, not hurt people, much less the love of his life.

Running over to where Wanda was, the two young girls ran side by side, trying their best to help their teammates. "You're Ekaterina, right?" Her Sokovian accent masked the pain she felt betraying Vision.

"It's Kat." She looked over at the redhead. "How'd you know?"

"Sam told us on the way over. Nice to see you're beginning to trust us."

"I wouldn't call it trust." Noticing Natasha winning her battle against Clint, Wanda moved her leg off of his head and slammed her body into the floor.

"You were pulling your punches," Wanda remarked, walking off with Kat in tow. Clint simply nodded in her direction, not taking her comment seriously.

"Hey Bambi, see if you can get Tony off of Sam's trail from the ground." Kat turned over to Wanda as Steve spoke through the coms, and the older redhead simply nodded.

"On it, capsicle." Making her way over, Kat spotted the Ironman flying after Sam. She ran after him, trying to keep low to the ground to avoid getting hit. She threw her widow bites at Tony, and though only one landed, she could tell by his slowing speed that it had made an impact.

Pausing to grab more widow bites from the holster in her leg, Kat found it difficult to get them out. "Come on," she grunted, finally managing to get them out. She hooked them up to the band on her arm.

Actually, let's reframe that. She tried to hook them up into the band on her arm. Because, unfortunately, they jolted out of her hands the moment she felt a sharp, stinging pain in her leg.

"Ow, oh my Thor." There, sticking out of the side of the tights she wore, was an arrow. Blood seeped out of the side as Kat tried to come in contact with the rest of her team. "Hey, uh, Clint?"

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