Chapter Eighteen

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Well shit, here we go again.

Natasha rose to her feet, offering Kat her hand. She gratefully took it, standing next to her mother. The widows, who stood at the doorway, observed the two girls, studying their strengths and their weaknesses.

"I don't want to hurt you." Kat held her gun in front of her, holding her finger over the trigger. She didn't want to kill any of these girls, but if you posed a threat to the Red Room being taken down, they might have to get hurt. "You don't wanna hurt me."

Within seconds, two widows had jumped forward, going to attack the girls. They aimed for Natasha's head, kicking at Kat's feet to get hurt out of the fight. They weren't there for her, their orders had been to specifically kill Natasha.

Kat blocked an attack coming to her head, covering her head and shooting the gun at a widow's foot. The widow groaned, hoping on her leg as she uppercutted Kat.

Natasha pulled off of herself, throwing her into another. She lodged a baton into a widow's leg, kicking her in the back. Another widow came flying at her, throwing her to the ground. She shot widow bites desperately, trying to at least wound someone enough to get them to stop.

Natasha and Kat placed their backs together, kicking off any widows that got near the two. After having just been reunited, the two didn't want to be separated, even if the reunion hadn't been exactly as they planned.

The two were thrown to the ground, Kat being the first to stand back up onto her feet. She shot a widow bite out at a widow, wounding her enough to get her on the ground.

They continued fighting, the girls ending up pinned against the floor. Natasha panted, looking over at Kat in defeat. "I'm sorry I didn't come back for you."

Kat shook her head, clambering to her feet. "No, I'm sorry I didn't go out looking for you. I thought you died."

Kat groaned as she was kicked in the head, a foot placed on her leg. The widow pressed it down, a snapping sound all she could hear. Kat groaned, clamping her jaw together. "Hey Natasha, I think she broke my leg."

Natasha looked over at Kat from her position on the floor next to her. "Walk it off."

Kat kicked the widow above her with her good leg. "You're just like Steve."

Natasha laughed slightly. She shot a widow bite at a widow, who disarmed her and held her to the ground. A widow grabbed her in a choke hold, bringing her to her knees. Natasha watched as the same thing happened to Kat.

The widows stood in a circle around the girls, taking turns kicking and clawing at their wounds. The two were exhausted and had nearly given up. They weren't going to win this fight.

But, hope finds weird ways of getting to you when everything seems down. A vile of red dust ticked above the assassins, splashing over all of them. Yelena stood in the midst of it all, panting as she observed the widows come back to their senses.

The women standing close to Kat and Natasha backed away, scared of what they had just done. They had known exactly what they were doing but weren't sure it was them doing it. It was all so wrong.

"Hey," Yelena greeted Natasha, helping her to her feet. "Are you okay?"

"Ekaterina... Kat..." Natasha groaned, stumbling over to her daughter. Kat was laying on the ground, surrounded by widows eager to help her. "Oh god, that looks like that hurts."

"Yeah, yeah," Kat breathed, trying her best to stand up.

"No, don't."

"Weren't you the one who told me to walk it off a moment ago?" Natasha sat Kat down on the ground again, holding her leg in front of her.

"I take it back. I put it back in place on three, ready? Kat nodded. Natasha steadied the girl's leg, twisting it back into place. Kat grunted, staring back at Natasha.

"I'm sorry, Ekaterina." Kat flinched at the name. "Do you... want me to call you that?"

"I- yeah, you're my mother, you named me. I just... a friend gave me that nickname, and I want to honor that. So, maybe just stick to Kat? Do you want me to call you... mom?"

Natasha nodded, smiling. "I would love that."

Kat pulled Natasha into her arms, squeezing her close. She was afraid that if she let go, the only mother figure she had ever had would disappear, and she would be back to start.

"What do we do now?" A widow spoke in Finnish, the only person on the team who understood being Natasha.

"Get as far away from here as possible. You get to make your own choices now." An explosion rumbled in the background, and all in the room could feel the ground drop underneath them. "We got to get out of here."

"We need to find Dreykov. Are you coming?"

Natasha motioned to the teenager beside her. "We're right behind you."

Kat sighed, smiling. "Let's go take down the Red Room, eh?"

Insane in my Russian Brain - P. ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now