Not even his fault

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Great. The hospital was out of scrubs. Scrubs were a vital part of the hospital, of any hospital. Without them they couldn't ensure that they were clean. That wasn't even so much of a problem for the ED, although it was very risky, but more of a serious issue with the surgical scrubs. Without those they couldn't really perform any surgery. And they gave the doctors and nurses some kind of authority and respect, it makes you think that they know what they're doing.

Ms. Goodwin did everything in her power, but there still weren't any scrubs available for anyone, aside from Ethan who washes his scrubs every night.

Will and Hannah were on their way to the hospital. Just as they were walking into the parking lot, chatting with each other, a panicked man yelled for help.

Immediately, they ran towards him, he opening the door to his car, showing a girl that was obviously pregnant and ready to deliver.

"We're doctors", Will said immediately to calm the two down. From there on, Hannah and Will treated her and brought her in the ED.

As Hannah discovered that the girl was already 6 cm dilated, she happily announced that the baby would be born that day. She quickly considered an ultrasound just to make sure that everything was alright.

"The baby is upside down", was the sentence that made the girl worry in mere seconds.

"But that's common, you're going to be fine.", Hannah reassured the girl.

"But that means surgery, right?", the girl was scared.

"Yes, but you can be awake during the procedure, and we all are trained very well for this.", Hannah smiled reassuringly.

The girl nodded, and not soon after, they all stood in an OR, slicing her stomach open.

Will and Hannah performed the C - section together, and everything went exactly to plan. Until it didn't.

After the baby was out, the girl looked relieved. So relieved that she passed out. Or was there another reason?

After a quick examination, Hannah said: "I think it's overdose", and gave her Narcan. Immediately, the girl began to regain consciousness, but they all were wondering as to why she had overdosed right in the OR.

And Will was worrying about his itch on his back. Hannah had also confirmed itchiness in those Hazmat suits they had to wear to provide that they were sterile.

After they had asked the girl if she took drugs, which she didn't, they investigated. Apparently, the socks of the girl had been contaminated with a drug that's been going through her skin on her foot, which in the end made her overdose.

As Maggie told Hannah this they decided that they needed to decontaminate. But where was Will?

In the doctors lounge.

Hannah stepped in, seeing Will laying on the ground, and ran to him, turning him on his back.

"I'll get Narcan", Maggie said.

Will was unresponsive and sweating profusely, his breathing slow.

As soon as Hannah put the Narcan in Will's nose, he began to come around.

Unfortunately, it was a drug that made someone confused for a few hours. Therefore, Will was put on a bed and they waited for the drug to clear out of his system while he slept.


This is really short..... And not really the style of my writing, but I just cant seem to write anything good lately, so this is the best that I can do.....

Major spoilers for S8 Ep6

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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