Hero (I+II)

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Will, Jay and Hailey were in a private jet back to Chicago. They'd gone on vacation together to Paris. On the plane they showed each other funny pictures and stuff, and talked about how cool they thought Paris was.

"Hey, wanna play cards?", Hailey asked, holding a deck of cards in the air.

"Sure", Will agreed, since he didn't have anything better to do anyway. Jay said yes as well, for the same reason.

They played for a while, and surprisingly, Jay won every round. Just as they started their 5th round, the pilot made an announcement.

"I'm very sorry to tell you that we are going to delay an hour or more, due to unexpected weather on the way."

They all looked at each other, not thinking anything bad, and carried on. A few minutes later though, the plane began to wiggle slightly.

"Turbulences?", Jay asked and as if on cue, the pilot made a second announcement.

"I'm very sorry again, we are having some turbulences right now, so I'd suggest to get seated and leave the seatbelts on. Thank you"

Now some worry hit Will's thoughts. Was it normal? Should they be scared? But he didn't say anything, because it didn't seem to be that scary to the other two. Although he didn't know that they were thinking the exact same thing.

It went on like that for an hour and they were having a nice chat. Until suddenly the lights went out.

"Huh. What happened?", Hailey quickly said, fear sneaking into her voice.

"I don't know", Jay answered, just as scared.

Will went to knock on the door of the cockpit, but nobody answered, and it was locked.

"Jay, what now? I can't get into the cockpit and nobody's answering", Will desperately said.

"Technically, I can fly a plane, but not when the cockpit is locked. But-", before Jay could finish, the plane began to nosedive down.

Hailey shrieked, and everything happened so fast that Will didn't even have time to get a hold on anything.

The plane raced downwards and Will fell to the other side, this making his ribs painfully hit the seats. Jay gasped.

"Will, are you okay?"

"N-no", Will stuttered, wincing as every breath sent a blinding pain with it.

But not to forget, they were still going downwards, so that moment lasted 2 seconds until they hit the ground with a loud bang.


He heard birds chirping above him. It smelt like nature, like a deep forest. That made him calm. He tried to remember how he'd gotten there or what had happened.

Suddenly his eyes snapped open, staring at the blue sky above him. He looked around as he sat up, momentarily forgetting his own pain.


Will quickly stood up, as quickly as his body allowed him to.

There was Jay, lying motionlessly in the grass, and next to Jay was Hailey, also unconscious.

Will ran to them and saw a big head wound on Jay, as well as a dislocated shoulder. It was clearly blocking the bloodstream so Will made a note in his mind to relocate the shoulder on site.

Hailey was no better, she had a big gash in her head as well, and a broken leg for sure.
Both were unconscious, and Will didn't, and couldn't, know if they had internal injuries.

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