At least it's a week off of work

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I know you haven't heard from me in like a month and i hope you're not disappointed because of that :) but i have been SO busy with school and music that i completely forgot about it. But here I am at 1 am (THAT RHYMED AHHAHAHA), writing another chapter
Aaaaand it's a bit shorter than I expected it to be 😬
I hope you still enjoy!

Idk but Happy Birthday Harry Styles btw cause I don't think anyone other than the readers of my 1d sickfics book read this sooooo

Will woke up with a headache and a stomach ache that was slowly getting worse. Though, as stubborn Will always does, he went to work and brushed it off as nothing.

He skipped breakfast because he wasn't hungry and he was late anyway. Ms. Goodwin wouldn't like that. However Ms. Goodwin also didn't like that he went to work while being sick.

Anyway, Will came into the ED. He barely had enough time to put his things in his locker in the doctors lounge when Maggie already called him out.

"Halstead trauma 2", she said. "Kid versus skateboard" Will chuckled at that. He got his blue gloves on and opened the curtain that was provided for privacy.

"Sooo you're Nick?"
The boy nodded.
"I'm Dr. Halstead", Will said both to the boy and to the mother.
"I heard you fell off your skateboard?"
Another nod. Probably a shy kid , Will thought to himself.
"Where does it hurt?"
His mother took over and explained for the boy.
"He fell on his arm and knee, though he was able to walk after the accident. He's also been complaining about his ankle", the worried mother said.
"Alright. Let's take a look", Will said as he carefully pushed the pants up a bit to see the ankle. There was not much swelling for it to be broken so Will made a small bandage around it to keep it steady. He then inspected Nicks knee, which was also not really swollen. Lastly he inspected the arm, which definitely was swollen enough to make an x-ray.
Will directed them to the waiting room, saying that a nurse would be coming to get them.

The whole day was about treating little kids. There were only a few life threatening injuries, which was good and boring at the same time. Will had a chance to rest in the doctors lounge and sat down to look at a file of a girl who had collapsed a week ago. She was now in a coma, for an unknown reason. He sighed and then felt his headache slowly coming back. He cursed lightly and massaged his scalp.

"Got a headache?", Connor asked as he came in.
"Uh huh", muttered a not so lucid anymore Will.
"Migraine or...?"
"Come on let's get you checked out", Connor said as he put down his bag to inspect Will. Will leaned on the couch, sighing.

Connor put his stethoscope in his ears to listen to Wills heart. Will let him, knowing he couldn't deny that he was sick. Connor heard Wills heart thumping harder and a bit faster than usual, a sign that Will was indeed sick.

"Breathe", he instructed.

His lung were free, which was a good sign, but when he listened to Wills stomach he frowned. He could literally hear his friends stomach churn.

"Stomach flu huh"
"Treated so many kids with stomach flu today it was so awful", Will whined.

"Okay, come on I'll get you a bed in the ED, take trauma 1, and I'll give you some medicine okay?", Connor offered. Will just nodded, standing up.

His head exploded in pain as he stood up and black dots started to betray his vision. Soon he was engulfed in the welcoming darkness, without even realizing it fast enough.

"WILL!", Connor shouted in surprise as he managed to catch Will before he hit the ground.
Connor quickly picked Will up and took him to trauma 2, because trauma 1 was now occupied, and hooked him up to the monitors.

"Hey Rhodes, is Will sick or why are you drugging him?", April said in a half sarcastic demeanor.

"He just passed out on me, definitely too many stomach flu kids today"

"Oh. Tell him he has the week off"

"And me?"

"You don't. Or you come here with the stomach flu too", April joked again.

Connor chuckled but they were interrupted by a groaning Will.

"I passed out didn't i", Will said before anyone could say anything.

"Jup Halstead. Try to tell someone you're not feeling well next time yeah?"


"You've got the week off by the way", April called from the reception table, she obviously had been listening to the conversation.

"That really isn't necessa-", Will interrupted himself and made a frowning face. Connor got the message and held a bin under his chin. Will vomited and leant back on the bed after.

"Alright", he sighed.
"I'll go home, can I call Jay"

Connor gave him his phone and he called his brother.

"What did you do this time", Jay said, amused.

"I'm sick, could you take me home", Wills voice rasped over the phone.

"Oh alright. You're at Med?"

"Yup just take me home before these asses decide to keep me here"

"Okay okay I'm coming", Jay laughed.

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