Chapter 21

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"Taylor honey?"

Taylor held up a finger as she paused her writing. "Hmmm... you can't scare me, break me, or catch me by surprise..."

Damien smirked. "I... know in my heart... you pray for my demise...?"

"Ooh, that's not bad!"

"I'm gonna assume the song's about Gyllenhaal?"

"Yeah. By the way... why haven't we involved the police? Is this one of those Ranger things?"

"No, it's one of those 'we don't have enough evidence' things."

Taylor leaned back on her hands. "That's what the cops do though. They collect evidence."

"I guess part of it is pride... I gotta protect the woman I love, and part of me would feel like a pansy."

Taylor and Damien had had shouting matches, but those were few and far between. This was their usual way of dealing with things. Talking; using logic.

"Damien, I get that it's hard... but you need to swallow that pride of yours. Let the system handle things. I'd like to involve the cops." She sighed. "Have you considered that your way of handling the situation might actually be hurting me? Mentally?"

Damien sat down next to Taylor and sighed. "I don't want to hurt you..."

"I know you'd never hurt me intentionally... but... if you want to help me..."

"Then I should let the cops take care of it."

"Yeah. I think your handling it may be the wrong answer."

Damien just nodded.

"It's hard. You've been fighting your whole life... I know."

"I'm afraid if I let my guard down, they'll..."

Taylor held on to Damien tightly, burying her head in his chest and closing her eyes as he began to gently stroke her hair. "Shhh..." she whispered. "Shhh..."


"Mmm?" Damien opened one eye lazily.

Another meow, long and demanding, was heard, as one of the cats ran in.

"Meredith what the hell..." Damien muttered.

Meredith jumped onto the bed, squeezing between Taylor and Damien with another meow, looking at Damien intently as if to say, "You're done."

"But we fed you guys this morning," Taylor groaned.

"It's two in the afternoon," replied Damien.

"Oh... yeah; you guys need food."

Taylor went off to feed the cats, and Damien flopped onto his back with a groan as Meredith loaded on his stomach, purring.

Damien petted her gently and smiled. The cops would relieve him of all the stress, or at least some of it. He concluded Taylor was right. They'd call the cops and hopefully, Jake Gyllenhaal and his cronies would be behind bars soon.

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