Kazakh Post №1

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Hi, my name is Kazakhstan, for friends Kazakh or just Kaz, I am 23 years old, I am doing well... No, I'm not all right. More precisely with my friends. Hmm... Where should I start? Perhaps I'll start with the fact that one warm evening, just the day before we left for our new apartments, Ross got drunk and was rude to Ukraine. He said a couple of stupid things there after Ukraine noticed that Ross was drinking... Well, she's in response. Then Ross started swearing. Well, Ukraine responded...
and then pushed him. And he fell. Ross said he hated her. And Ukraine said it hated him. That evening we decided that it was time for us to leave that evening, so as not to hurt each other more. Morally and mentally. So we parted...
three years have passed, but nothing seems to have changed. Ukraine, after a quarrel with Ross, went to live in Canada. Ross continues to drink, and Belarus helps him get rid of alcoholism. It's been like three years. For three years now, the Squirrel has been helping him get out of this endless depression of Ross, but everything is even.
And so I decided to get involved in this story. And I understand that it is very wrong. Because they called me names, told me to go home and not get involved. As usual. My brother is trying to help, but everyone ignores him. So my depression will begin. Yes, anyone will start. He will hide in a corner, convince himself that no one needs you, you are not capable of anything... I do not know about Ukraine. Probably already learned all the English. Yes, figs knows her, she lives there and lives. What's it to me? What's it to me?.. No, I still have a case. I miss her. I miss the old Ukraine, the old friendship with it. How we looked at the stars with her, how we ran away from home... She hasn't changed. She remained the same. Ready to arrange an escape. But not the point. She's already far away. I won't see her well... The next three months. Yes, and it will be seen here. The American had a tough quarrel with Ross, generally dead. Oh, didn't I tell you? Well, in short, the tough guy is full with America. So you won't see Ukraine, that's for sure. Europe too. Well... In short, it's difficult for Ross with her. Yeah... Things are not the best, but I will try to fix everything. Bye - bye!

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