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"Okay, the stars are ready in 10," I called out in hectic. I was barely able to catch a breath. The staff ran around me trying to get the last preparations done.

I felt almost out of place in this scenario, it was surreal. How was I apart of this, that still didn't reasonated with me entirely. My thoughts brought me back to reality and I snapped out of it.

This was somewhere, where I belonged.

A place they'd explicitly chose me appear for my capabilities, I worked my butt of for this and I deserved to be here despite my struggle to believe in the fact this was real.

I sighed, moving on as the other employees ran past me. So fast that I felt the cool breeze stripe my cheeks.

It felt  breath of fresh air almost, a short callback to nature. Yet it felt bitter knowing I was the slowest out of everyone. This felt like a sharp sting in my chest.

My head didn't have time to be clouded further. Instead, I got pulled into the dressing room. I squinted my eyes together in fear and surprise. It was so sudden, I couldn't help the impulse. My veins seemed to freeze to the core.
My heart pounded in my chest and I felt the pulse roaring in my ears.

I felt speechless, knowing I didn't have any words left on my mind, I was unsure what to do. What was there to do other than recovering from shock. My breath increased rapidly.

I opened my eyes and saw Venti. His emerald green eyes shined bright. I sensed something in his eyes other than care.

His hand hadn't moved, it was still remaining on my wrist, which was gentle and soft. The touch of his palm managed to make me feel calmer once I realized.

With his gaze directed at me my mouth curled into a smile. The proximity didn't feel weird, not before my mind pointed it out.

He was so close—I felt his hot breath on my skin. The sensation was irresistible. Something was close to burning in me and this time it wasn't only my cheeks. My whole body grew hotter from embarrassment.

No, I felt extremely flustered and hoped to hide my face behind my hands.

That was when I realized the other boys were close around, oh goodness what a flustering situation. Of course they had to be around when I was this close to him.

I felt deeply embarrassed of mentally adoring my best friend this much in front of fellow friends—who must've waited for us to settle this unfinished business.

I tried to brush it off.

"What's going on?" I asked as he let go of me. His hand left my wrist in an instant while averting my gaze at first. He looked at me with an embarrassed face when our eyes met. He followed with an apologetic tone in his eyes which I nodded in response to. The nervous feeling remained on his face still. Somehow flustered, red tint over his cheeks. Filled with a crimson tone-like layer.

I was speechless for a second at that familiar sight. A sense of deja vú came to my mind. I felt imprisoned in a trance for a while until my eyes caught the attention of the boy with platinum hair.

Kazuha came closer to me beginning to explain while Venti tried to maintain his composure. Without any calm trace, he'd be no more than a lost puppy

When I recalled everything from earlier involving him there came something to mind. A personal realization I'd say.

I had to admit it was for me as well quite flustering to have him that close. In this — it was making me speechless. His breath for a second brushed my neck, the way it was feeling so gently, the warm air.

The Windborn boy ─ Venti x reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now