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[ 2nd pov ]

The next morning you came down, your gaze fell on all the boys who were sitting around the table You pushed out a yawn that signaled how you didn't sleep well.

A reasonable explanation while the sun found its way through the glass of the kitchen. All of them were there, besides Venti who wasn't part of those who were assembled.

The reason for that was that they aspired to get out all the details from how it went for you. Each one of them was around when you talked with Kazuha. And they dearly only wanted the best for both-, Venti and you. 

You rubbed your eyes and yawned since the day before was exhausting for you. You still felt wbeey bit of the  There were some quiet thoughts interrupting the piece in your mind.

Even possibly for Xiao to go out of his way and even give comfort. Which usually happened rarely, the blonde sat beside the green haired gremlin in the morning how'd they call him as he was neither a morning person, just like you.

"So y'all are fine for the groups sake or?" Aether pushed you. You gave him a raising eyebrow, but bit on your lip as it was a valid question. As he took another bite from his toast ypu spend another tbought on the topic. He munched a while on it intensely watching the person on the opposite — which was you.

You kept silent, starring at the breakfast. With a light expression in your eyes that didn't show or display anything that could lead to something. Those which the boys made with much care and love probably. Or the kitchen chef must've been fired by Lumine— either way sweet.

"Are you alright?" Xiao asked. It wasn't loud or clear but just noticeable for you.

You appreciated it and smiled as you looked in direction of the window where he sat.

You gulped, "Yes—we actually made up." you tried to reply, but it was all lies when it came to you being fine.

Hot tears had streamed down your cheeks that evening— hurt and strong sad feelings. Which mixed up with the salty drops of liquid out of your eyes. Which had held you tight in a chockehold of trouble.

Your eyes were still puffy. A little reddened and they looked empty. There wasn't some kind of sparkle in there.

You found yourself being cut off for a reason, "I'm sorry to say that Y/n— but, is it really fine?" Kazuha asked with a tone of concern in his voice. While his eyes reflected different worries in there. He glanced over at you— questioning if you were truly alright and if it wasn't just a act you put on. He tried to see through it, to get a idea what was possibly happening.

"I've just been digging up to much out of the past at once. I didn't entirely process everything from those negative days, to not say traumatizing." you said, which was the truth. Still you searched for some breakfest laying around and then sitting with the boys. You put some on a plate and sat down besides Kazuha.

The Japanese male was truly observational and showed great concern for the negative feelings. He would always manage to glance through with his friends.

Well you were considered one by that meaning.

You continued to talk with them about the happenings of the situation.

"Your mother is sick?" Aether asked with a sad expression. He was shocked, you were such a nice person it didn't felt like you were bothered by much. That wasn't fair, that you had to go through that.

For a moment you held your breath in. You collected "Yeah, actually she's been in the hospital under medication since 3 years. Again and again for the cancer chemotherapy. It's not so cheap so I almost had to give up my studies, but it seems like she's getting better now." you smiled, Aether looked happier with that anwser.

Xiao looked at you, rasing a eyebrow. "What about your father? couldn't he have helped out?" he asked.

"My father left us, he wasn't ready to be one when my mother got with end of 17 pregnant and got me at almost 19 years." you explained while looking down at your food. You bit off a couple of times and watched them look the other in the eyes. There was terror— shock and some sort of understanding, yet also madness entangled into the mess of emotions.

"Oh, sorry. My mother died at young age so I didn't really know her either." the chinese boy smiled with sympathy. You smiled thanking him noticeable loud enough.

"I'm sorry for that Xiao," you said. Your heart clenching together like your fist when you'd feel angered. While the pulse in your body seemed to turn higher and higher.  This time while the sun rose slowly high above all of them you felt a jont of loneliness as you felt the desire to express tour feelings in a explanation. "My father surely was an amazing person, but I'm not sure if I wish to meet him ever. He just never really was a father just the one who gave me life, I suppose."

Kazuha took his plate and stood up. He collected the dirty dishes and went to clean them. You got up and followed him quietly. Your gaze told you that there was more behind the story than just this..

"Hey," you said, "I'll help you wash the dishes." you smiled, he didn't protest, "thank you, Y/n, that's sweet of you." the two of you spend a while doing the dishes until the blonde came to the both of you.

The two of you finished and dried your hands. The only thing left was now Aether standing awkwardly behind them.

Aether sighed, "damn I'm lucky with my sister still being alive at this rate of how all of you lost someone."

All of you started laughing. Somehow it was a funny joke for them after years. This must've been really a funny curse now but felt like as if that had happened in another time in another place.

——✧・゚: ★,。・::・゚☆
hehe another chapter :D
Oh btw I cosplayed venti finally, it was also pretty nice finishing this chapter up <3

The Windborn boy ─ Venti x reader ✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz