me when i get punched in the face

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this is a calixto and ryou chapter bc i love them

lil more disheveled cal look, set after the siren thiNG he's very fun to draw

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lil more disheveled cal look, set after the siren thiNG he's very fun to draw

lil more disheveled cal look, set after the siren thiNG he's very fun to draw

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same thing 🗿

ryou tries to get cal involved with espionage sometimes and it never works out for him idk why he keeps trYING-

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ryou tries to get cal involved with espionage sometimes and it never works out for him idk why he keeps trYING-

cal is very much so not cut out to do the whole sneaking around in disguises thing, he's far too impatient and impulsive to try and slowly build rapport w a target

cal is very much so not cut out to do the whole sneaking around in disguises thing, he's far too impatient and impulsive to try and slowly build rapport w a target

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he also has a habit of intentionally trying to antagonize the targets into attacking him first so he has an excuse for killing them straight away

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he also has a habit of intentionally trying to antagonize the targets into attacking him first so he has an excuse for killing them straight away

that conversation generally goes something like "why the hell did you do that-" "he hit me first" "you told him his face resembled a blob fish that had been stung by a bee and run over by an 18 wheeler" ",,,,i mean i didnt lie"

that conversation generally goes something like "why the hell did you do that-" "he hit me first" "you told him his face resembled a blob fish that had been stung by a bee and run over by an 18 wheeler" ",,,,i mean i didnt lie"

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little sticky note doodle bc i erased so many times on that part of my sketchbook out of frustration that it was literally unusablE

little sticky note doodle bc i erased so many times on that part of my sketchbook out of frustration that it was literally unusablE

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ryou just wants to be a good elf and pay homage to the patron elf god damMIT >:[

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ryou just wants to be a good elf and pay homage to the patron elf god damMIT >:[

cal is occasionally curious abt it tho- granted he will NOT stop telling ryou how stupid he looks or how dumb it is, but he does occasionally ask abt the whole fynton thing-

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cal is occasionally curious abt it tho- granted he will NOT stop telling ryou how stupid he looks or how dumb it is, but he does occasionally ask abt the whole fynton thing-

fynton btw is a nature god who created elves so he's kind of a big deal for ryou

that's all for now agaaaaiiinN i have one more back up chapter planned :)

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