Chapter 2

136 12 13

No One's POV

Staring at the birthday celebrants, Jungwon immediately pushed away the King, despite the consequences he might face. Because for him, ruining the innocence of the two kids in front of them was much worse than Capital Punishment. (AN: Of course it's not)

"W-What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be enjoying the party?" Asked the obviously panicking Cat next to the King as he can be seen wiping his lips and so is the King. 

"I told you Teacher Won, I was just going to fetch my sister. I didn't know you fetched my Father instead" said sassily by Sunoo as he flicked his non-existent long hair. Joy on the other hand was beyond ecstatic, as she have considered Jungwon as his Mom a long time ago, but of course, being the sister of The Park Sunoo, she managed to hide her excitement. 

"Ha, Ha, Ha" laughed Jungwon as he looks at the King next to him, pleading for help. However, as soon as Jungwon faces the King next to him, he was seemingly fine considering the situation they're in. 

"So, what's really happening?" asked Sunoo as he folded his arms and glared at the two adults in front of them while tapping his shoes on the ground, eagerly waiting for an answer. Sunoo was trying his best not to laugh at the reaction of his Teacher, but his Father on the other hand... 

"Oh! Right! Has Sunghoon arrived yet? I think I saw him earlier" excused Jungwon as he was about to walk towards the door, fake looking for Sunghoon. But his plan backfired as he heard Sunoo's protest.

"Don't change the subject Teacher Won, you were kissing my Father just a moment ago right? Why?" Said Sunoo as he squinted his eyes towards Jungwon, Joy on the other hand, seeing as his Brother was questioning the latter, she copied him and squinted her eyes as well, without forgetting to fold her arms. 

"And I saw Sunghoon earlier, you can't use him to get away from this" said the blushing Sunoo who smirked in return. 'Got you now' Sunoo thought.

"Why don't we go in? It seems like your Birthday Celebration is about to start." said Jungwon as he luckily saw the Emcee for the Birthday run towards the attendance frantically. 

"B-But my question-" Sunoo was cut off as Jungwon walked towards them, grabbing their wrist as he dragged the two Royals inside the castle, leaving the King outside. 

As the celebration began, the Emcee proceeded to call for Sunoo and Joy, she introduced the two Royals to everyone and small talks. However, when the Emcee had finally called for their Father, the King, Sunoo asked the emcee to pass him the Mic before King Jay approach them. 

"Good Evening everyone, Thank you for attending my Birthday Banquet. I am beyond Happy to see all of our Friends, Family, and Acquaintance inside one space. This day wouldn't be possible if it wasn't for our Father, who raised and cared for us through the years. Our Mother might've left us early, but she will always be in our hearts" The sudden speech took everyone aback, especially King JeongSeong as he watch his Son talk to the crowd. As soon as Sunoo mentioned his Mother, Sunghoon, who was in the crowd became worried as he knows that it was a sensitive topic. 

"May I call my Father, the King to stand next to us?" Sunoo looked at his Father as the King, Jay walked towards the center to join his children. Hugging Sunoo and Joy, he never felt so alive and happy in many years. 

"Pa, Thank you for everything that you've done for us. I know that it has been quite challenging raising us. But we couldn't have asked for more." said Sunoo as he handed the Mic to Joy.

"Sunoo is right Pa, we couldn't have asked for a better Father" said Joy as she became too emotional. Wiping her tears before hugging her Father radiated her emotions to the crowd. As some of them can be seen wiping their tears. The passing of the Late Queen was regrettable, but the Royal Family persevered. 

Jungwon on the other hand, standing next to the door of the balcony, away from the eye of the crowd couldn't help but smile bitterly towards the family. It's not because he's harboring negative feelings towards the Late Queen. But it was because he feels sad for them. Loosing their mother at a young age, he couldn't imagine what they've gone through. 

Saying that the King was proud would be an understatement.  Because as he watch Sunoo catch the attention of everyone in the castle, It's one of the skills he commends about Sunoo, his charismatic charm, his words, his-

"That's why I'll be the first to announce, through the years our Father endured parenthood alone, his hardships in raising Me and my sister Joy, I'm happy to announce that he won't be lonely anymore." King Jay and the attendees looked at Sunoo confusedly, who in turn  smirked secretly. 

"I'm happy to announce, the engagement of our Father, King Park JeongSeong, to the person Me and My sister have considered our other parent ever since, Mr. Yang Jungwon" Said Sunoo in high spirits as the crowd applaud the news. His sister Joy next to him was jumping in "Joy" as she hears the news. The crowd was of course shocked, hearing the news of the engagement of their King. 

"This is the best birthday gift we could've asked for, right Joy?" asked Sunoo as he handed the mic to Joy.

"Yes, this is the best gift we could ever ask for." said Joy as she wipes her tears from falling before running towards the flabbergasted Jungwon, who stood in his place with mouth hanging agape. Joy then dragged Jungwon by the hand towards the King and intentionally pushed him but it wasn't obvious, because the next thing Jungwon knew, he's leaning on the chest of the shocked King once again. 

Just this morning, he was arguing with his grandparents about attending the banquet, he was just a normal teacher living a normal life. His students are his happiness and life. But now, he's suddenly the most famous personality in the Kingdom, being the Fiancée of the King overnight, he's the luckiest person to live, or is he? 

However, unknown to everyone, there was a person at the corner of the banquet trembling in anger as she looks at the Royal Family and the person named Jungwon. 


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