Start from the beginning

Pigsy began packing up his cooking stuff in delight. "I can't believe it! We're going to chang'e's kitchen!".

He wrapped an arm around mk's shoulders.

"TO THE MOON!". They yelled in unsion.

Mei then approached mk. "Hay, so, mk. I know you're a big brain boy and all now, but . . . How exactly are we suppose to get to the moon?".

MK was about to reply but teared up when wukong spoke.

"In a rocket!".

They turned to wukong eating peach chips in confusion.


"Yeah. Just use your powers, create a rocket out of the van and we'll just fly up there!". He uses a chip to mimic a rocket flying up to the moon while making rocket noises.

"Oh, you mean the powers I don't have anymore?". Mk deapeaned, as wukong sighs.

"C'mon, bud. Believe in yourself. The way I believe in you".

"Make that two of us". Min chimed in, smiling at mk. "Plus, you have been improving in your powers lately. You did it once or twice before, you can do it again".

MK thought for a moment before smiling at their words. "Yeah".

"You got your gold vision back cause you needed to save your friend".

"Not to mention when you also transformed into a bird to get us away from macaque".

"Exactly. Now, you need to get to the moon so chop-chop! Don't think, just feel it".

MK grinned. "Yeah!".

With new found determination, Mk rolled up his sleeves and glared at T.E.A.

"Here comes monkie kid!".

He's whole body glows, so does the van. He gritted his teeth and he focused all his energy into transforming the van. The van began to float as mei, tang and min looked in awe.

"Can he just do that? Just get new powers whenever he wants?". Tang asked, but was quickly shushed by the girls.

Eventually, mk's transformation powers just went to waste when the van just turned tiny and fell down to the ground. Min won't lie, that was adorable, but no way was she saying that out loud.

Tang hums and continues to write in his book. "The monkie kid's powers continue to be . . . Elusive".

MK groans in frustration.

Min got on one side of the older boy and placed a hand in his shoulder. "Don't be so hard on yourself. You actually did a lot better this time".

Wukong got on the other side and placed his hand on his shoulder. "Yeah. Don't worry about it, bud. We still believe in you. Maybe you just need a stronger motivator. Here, let me handle this one".

Monkey king walked forward and held forth his hand. His whole buddy body glows, busting out energy as he makes the van levitate before it was taking apart and put back together as a giant rocket ship.

Everyone were in awe at the sight.


"That is so wicked!"

"Now you're talking!".


They rushed over as the door opened up and steam comes out. Ones it died down, everyone was surprised at what came out next.

Sandy yawns. "Hay, you guys feeling a little light headed? I think the fan's a little huge".

He was so tiny and min mentally squealed. She loved tiny things now.

MONKIE KID: THE TALE OF THE NINE TAIL FOX GIRL Where stories live. Discover now